Custom speed dial icon for my website?
chopchip last edited by
Opera's speed dial icons are fairly cool looking.
But let's say I have a website, and I want to affect what it looks like if people place my website in their Opera speed-dial. Is this something I can choose? Can I hand out a jpeg image somehow?
I searched the forum for this, but couldn't find any tips.
A Former User last edited by
A background image? It's for thumbnails.
For icons, it strikes me you kinda have to have a good favicon, no? -
chopchip last edited by
Okay, basically what I want to achieve is replacing the yellow auto-generated thumbnail with a custom one, like this:
A Former User last edited by
A guess: create a background image that you may not even place above another one (z-index), then check if you can pick it when creating a tile (bookmark). Another guess: it might just be one of the images, not necessarily a background one, for example, a top bar link image (or its background).
chopchip last edited by
When Opera creates these thumbnails, it does not use any images from the web page. It only uses the domain name. You can tell by the way the yellow thumbnail looks on the gif I posted.
The other one was something I inserted to demonstrate the desired outcome. Apologies if this was confusing.
I think I'll just conclude that this isn't possible. Thanks for your help.
jeffnun last edited by
After the release of Barracuda Opera uses the <link rel=”icon”> or <link rel="apple-touch-icon"> meta in the site's header to find the logo, but it will only show in Opera if the attached image is wider than 114px.
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="">
Which should link to a 158px x 158px or larger image.
Without this, Opera Speed Dial icons will usually also discover and make available to you the OG image if a website has one declared.