Opera & capcha problems +no access to Steam
jcm101 last edited by
Using v12.17 1863 x64 on W7 I am finding increasing numbers of problem sites when they are using capchas to log in.
Today I can no longer use Opera 12 or 31 to log into Steam.
No matter what I type it always fails authentication.
Using Opera 31.0.1889.174 it takes approx 60 secs of a timer cycling before it shows 'incorrect login'
Whilst this is obviously Steams 'fault' for not testing all browsers adequately, other sites take 3+ tries before what I enter is seen as the correct answer/selection.This is a ridiculous situation. Surely there must be a solution?
lando242 last edited by
Do you have Opera Turbo enabled? If so, disable it while trying to login sites having this issue. Also, some extensions can cause problems. Try visiting Steam inside a private window and see if that helps. I can confirm that you can use Opera 31 to log into Steam's webpage without issues so its not an generally Opera problem. It has to be something specific on your end.
jcm101 last edited by
Strangely enough since I posted this the capchas have gone from Steam & I can get in again.....
That doesn't help with the others tho. I still have endless fails when trying to TX a response - right or wrong answer they just reload & I can never access the sites