Opera Mini's downloading Problem Still not Fixed
Deleted User last edited by
I'm trying to download a video from facebook but opera mini can not able to start download and stuck at the downloading start point. Here is that link https://m.facebook.com/video_redirect/?src=https%3A%2F%2Fvideo-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhvideo-xap1%2Fv%2Ft42.1790-2%2F11965769_788054037979434_1623761185_n.mp4%3Fefg%3DeyJybHIiOjQwNSwicmxhIjo0MDk2fQ%253D%253D%26oh%3D9bd53bc70dad88926de2160422509dce%26oe%3D55E2340D&source=misc&id=788051694646335&refid=52&__tn__=F & yes the file size is over than 15 MB. But opera mini can able to download any file less than 15 MB from facebook. There has so many https & http (both) website where opera mini can't able to start download while all other web browsers are full ok to download the same following files. It's a very serious problem. Please fix all of these bugs and release a new bug free version of opera mini.
Deleted User last edited by
Actually that link was expired. Here is another link & opera mini can't able to start the download from this link