Open links in tab by default
pharmahmed20t last edited by
Hi everybody
Is there is a way to open any link I click in new tab by default
I don't want to right click the link and choose to open it in new tab every time!
also I don't want to click the middle mouse button to open it in new tab
I want the links to be opened directly and by default in new tab when I press it by left mouse click
I remember in the past I can configure opera to "don't reuse current tab" but now i cannot find this option in settings
Can someone help me how to do it from settings or direct me to an extension that can do this
Thanks -
A Former User last edited by
Can someone help me how to do it from settings or direct me to an extension that can do this
Thanksthere is no such a feature in settings
you can use mouse gestures:- right click on link and pull down
-or you can use extensions for dragging links with left click
- right click on link and pull down
pharmahmed20t last edited by
it is sad to hear that specially because this function was available in the past
why opera don't support this feature .. i don't know if it is available in chrome or not but what i know is opera was always customizable .. what is happened?! -
lando242 last edited by
Literally thousands of lines have been written on this forum explaining what happened. I wont go into detail but basically old Opera and new Opera share no code and are unrelated programs.
pharmahmed20t last edited by
is there any security problem if i returned to opera 12.7 .. last version of old opera?
and what other problems may i face using opera 12.7
thanks -
pharmahmed20t last edited by
thanks opera i have managed the problem by doing this
1- install this extension to enable chrome extension in opera
2- then adding this extension to opera finally i now can open every link in new tab by default