My Opera not working?
kastrud last edited by
Before could I connect to all my e-mail with this string :
The string is not working any more and all I get is:
I have a lot off older email's in different folders saved in my email archive. I wonder how I can access these folders. Please answer A.S.A.P. as some of the email's are important to me.
Sigurd Bjørn Kastrud -
orking2p last edited by
Hello. I was not aware that was being shut down and need to figure out a way to forward any incoming email or what options I could have to salvage some of my emails that I have saved in folders. I too would wonder how I can access these folders. Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Deleted User last edited by
We were told five months ago that MyOpera services would be shut down. I'm afraid your emails are gone. If they were important to you, you should have backed them up away from Opera's servers, an important lesson for the future.