Hey, we have a Lounge!
A Former User last edited by
<a href "https://forums.opera.com/discussion/1831331/that-only-27-percent-of-people-who-have" Title="More Spam"</a>
luxor last edited by
There's a spam block on my account because I posted more than twice in 90 seconds. Now I have to wait for 10 minutes. Great!
Do tell me your joking pesala. Words fail me!!!
A Former User last edited by
βDo tell me your joking pesala. Words fail me!!!β
Do you mean that you're surprised that there is a spam block in force, or are you surprised that I am surprised that it is so restrictive on ordinary users?
On My Opera the limit was 30 seconds between posts, which is reasonable. Most posts take at least that long to write. A genuine user doesn't just use cut and post to repost the same text many times.
luxor last edited by
Do you mean that you're surprised that there is a spam block in force, or are you surprised that I am surprised that it is so restrictive on ordinary users?
It was the "Now I have to wait for 10 minutes" part.
frenzie last edited by
We could, if we were willing to write some code, which is not really a viable option, even if one knows the right format:
There's a place where My Opera smilies grow. :whistle:
I asked, and in response Opera graciously released the My Opera smilies under a permissive license. But I have no idea why they don't use their own smilies anymore.
Deleted User last edited by
Never hung out much in the old lounge. Funny that I should be one of thefirstdozen to find it.
A Former User last edited by
βOpera graciously released the My Opera smilies under a permissive license.β
Does that mean we're free to use them elsewhere?
ice007 last edited by
Hello? Where is my post to the missing German "General Topic"-section?
Deleted? Than I want to know why? They are missing - that was not joke!
zisele last edited by
Can introduction thread be allow here in lounge? I hope so because I didn't get a chance to greet.
khadgar last edited by
@zisele: It's the lounge. Go ahead.
Hey, everyone. I'm sure some of the old My Opera people might remember me from well over a decade ago long before I started working for Opera. I hadn't posted in the forums in a while. There's a lot of work left on the forums to do, so stay tuned. Things are indeed a bit simple and bareboned, but we're working to improve things. I would personally like to see smilies back. I'll see what I can do, but I can't make any promises, of course.
@pesala: Like I said it's been a while since I posted on the My Opera forums. You said that the limit was 30 seconds between posts. Do you remember what the waiting time period was? Was it 10 minutes long or just like a minute or something like that?
A Former User last edited by
IIRC there was a stricter limit for new users. Once you had racked up a number of posts (perhaps 20?) then you could post every 30 seconds without limit.
They tried several different settings on the Spam filter.
What I cannot understand is, after spending 10 years designing and refining the code for the My Opera forums, why do you need to throw it all away and start again? It's a pointless duplication of effort, and only frustrates your users no end.
We recently had this issue on the Serif forums. The had (and still have) a well-established and vibrant support forum
They decided they needed something better, so they spent loads of time creating Community Plus:
I think that you will agree that it's a whole lot better than these new Opera Forums (though it still has some issues), but it is still in Beta, and the old forums are still open. When they get it properly fixed, and the old forums have outlived their usefulness, then they may archive the old forums, closing them to new members, but leaving the threads available because they contain a ton of useful information about older product versions, and general knowledge that applies to any version.
frenzie last edited by
IIRC there was a stricter limit for new users. Once you had racked up a number of posts (perhaps 20?) then you could post every 30 seconds without limit.
That would certainly make sense. Another (more annoying) approach would be to require a CAPTCHA or some such for the first few posts, although these days I think computers might already be better at 'em than humans.
A Former User last edited by
You can use images manually
How exactly?
And you used a "hidden" link in another thread - again, how?
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi Josh, Markdown syntax for images:


and to make links:
[The link text](http://example.net/)
[The link text](http://example.net/ "Link title")
A Former User last edited by
I am not even going to bother trying to learn that syntax. @username I can manage, or bold or italics but I am going to paste links as text:
On the CommunityPlus forum https://community.serif.com/forum
There are buttons for Bold and Italics, and for inserting Images from a URL or from disk.
There are also buttons for code, hyperlinks, quotes, horizontal rules, bullet lists and numbered lists. Plus two more for undo/redo.
These basics are essential. Most users are not geeks for whom writing in code is second nature. I am familiar with many forms of code, but it's a real problem remembering which to use on which forum.