css.labs.coop +/- fonts.labs.coop::- some css3 is supported and others isn't with OperaTV
mynamesnot last edited by
To OperaTV,
I have made a typal of api call and for the assemble your own shower api at the following uri:-
The files for this are in the distro on:- http://sourceforge.net/projects/chronolabsapis/labs.coop/shower
But I notice with the gradients on::~~ http://css.labs.coop/3/gradientee/stylesheet.css it only does a few of your own operator codes for gradients, but does do fonts (check out the new font.syd.labs.coop api i am working with tear your own owning gaming fonts with always some sort of hierestic fingerprint survey with that other people named in that font on option)