How to Duplikate an existent Bookmark ?
hagozi last edited by
Hi, I want to create different bookmarks to different pages behind the same internet address.
If I try, it overwrites always the old bookmark.
What could I do ?Hago
mkarwat last edited by
If you want to create second speed dial of some page, do the following:
Open existing page from you homescreen
Go to the subpage you want to create a separate app
Tap "Coast Card" button (it's an icon on the bottom left corner)
Choose "Split App" icon (it's an icon with 9 squares and an arrow)
There you can specify a name of new speed dial. If there is more than one icon for that page, you can choose it by swiping left/right on an icon
Tap "Add" button
Now you have two apps on you homescreen with the same domain.