Opera crashes after new Windows 10 update (Threshold 2)
jarmush last edited by
Damn, now my computer is back with the problem causing Opera v.33 to freeze or hang on Windows 10, build 10586. It is exactly the same problem I had with Opera 11 or 12.
I don't know if the problem is Opera or Windows 10 related. I did not have this problem on Opera v.32 on Windows 10, build 10240.
Is it possible to download Opera v.32 without Opera forcing me to download v.33 automaticly?
And where can I find v.32 of Opera browser?
cobaltmdn last edited by
I think it is Windows 10 related. They even pulled November update, because there are lot of bugs. Saw it somewhere in news few hours ago.
Everything worked fine till that TH2 update.
Here you go for 32version and for forced update there should be some tweak to stop.
daviduco last edited by
I too am experiencing lots of crashes since latest Windows 10 "big" update. It'w quite annoying and it happens with both beta and stable version, it too happens with that 32 version from above... i've tried disabling hardware acceleration and it doesn't crash, but pages "freeze" and you can't enter any link nor click anywhere.
I would say this happens in pages with animated gifs.
dangerm0use last edited by
I am having the same issue as well, it would show not responding especially when more than one page is ruining some media on flash player. My graphics driver and flash player are up-to date, the frequent crash started just after the windows 10 update version 1511. I did a clean installation with the latest drivers but the problem still persists.
jarmush last edited by
Windows 10, build 10586 was updated yesterday on my computer, and since then I haven't had any crash or problems with Opera 33 freezing every now and then.
Anyone else who have updated Windows 10, latest build, that have experienced the same thing?
A Former User last edited by
The same problem here. After installation of w10 threshold 2 opera crashes. Disabling hardware acceleration helps. Opera is the only program that have problems on my system. Other applications or games are working ok.
cobaltmdn last edited by
Install latest windows updates and it will fix the crash.
Mine is working 4 days in row without any crashes so far but only after I installed latest update.
A Former User last edited by
My system is allways updated. Newest drivers, programs etc. Opera still crashing with hardware acceleration turned on.
lando242 last edited by
If could be a problem with your video card. Is it a built in card? Like those turds Intel likes to pass off as video cards these days? What error message do you get in your Event Viewer?
A Former User last edited by
GTX980 Ti here
But i think I found the culprit. A tab sorting extension - after disabling it opera stopped to crash and works smoothly now.
That's why I miss old opera. It had everything that was needed. Now you need to install extensions for thoese missing options/components and sometimes those extensions brake things... -
cyberfox007 last edited by
Crashing for me too. I don't have the tab sorting extension mentioned above and I think it coincided with the last Windows 10 update. Please fix this.
blackbird71 last edited by
Crashing for me too. I don't have the tab sorting extension mentioned above and I think it coincided with the last Windows 10 update. Please fix this.
Given that Win10 updates keep falling off the turnip cart about once a week lately, it might help to specify an update date and/or KB numbers rather than the general term "last Windows 10 update", going forward. There have been at least two other update rounds since the big batch of Win10 updates that perhaps triggered the OP's problems.
ttk-gaver last edited by
I have the same problem with my Opera 33.0.1990.115 after ny system'h been updated to TH2 (Win10 x64).
Last time Opera has hanged when even no video file was in playback state and there were no video files on opened tab (but were some files on other tabs).According to Event Vew (sorry for Russian):
Контейнер ошибки 107758189823, тип 1 Имя события: APPCRASH Отклик: Нет данных Идентификатор CAB: 0 Сигнатура проблемы: P1: opera.exe P2: 33.0.1990.115 P3: 5649994e P4: StackHash_40c9 P5: 10.0.10586.0 P6: 5632d9fc P7: c0000374 P8: PCH_92_FROM_ntdll+0x0007725C P9: P10:
I've also installed some updates (Yes, only two updates after I've installed Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586])
Security Update KB3103688 Update KB3120677
I have two video adapters:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (ver.
NVidea GeForce GT650M (ver. can also attach .dmp files (with and without heap, but don't know how to do it on this forum).
cyberfox007 last edited by
Is anyone addressing this issue? This morning when I opened up the browser it crashed immediately. I had no Flash pages open although it did crash yesterday when I was playing a Flash game. I have the latest PPAPI. It's not Flash apparently because it happens when no Flash pages are open. Now it's happening all the time and it really needs to be addressed since it is not a minor issue. I really don't want to have to return to Chromium. PLEASE fix this bug.
cyberfox007 last edited by
Crashing for me too. I don't have the tab sorting extension mentioned above and I think it coincided with the last Windows 10 update. Please fix this.
Given that Win10 updates keep falling off the turnip cart about once a week lately, it might help to specify an update date and/or KB numbers rather than the general term "last Windows 10 update", going forward. There have been at least two other update rounds since the big batch of Win10 updates that perhaps triggered the OP's problems.
Hardly. Also, whether or not that actually happens, developers should be testing on all platforms. That's just good development protocol. Test on all sites and all major O/Ss.
cobaltmdn last edited by
I didn't have any crash after this update:
Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3120677)
Not sure if it helps or not but that update solved all mine problems with Opera.
cobaltmdn last edited by
And it happened again just now.
I did install last night: Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3116908)
So not sure if this did anything or what. Same error as before...