More powerful bookmark navigation
bengtl2 last edited by
There is an overlap between Speed Dial and Bookmarks. Chuck the Speed Dial and let it be one of the top-level Bookmark folders. Add a radio-button like thingie to choose which of the folders is the speed dial.
Add a right-click menu to the heart icon in the tool bar. Let it open one of the top-level bookmark folders. Note only top-level folders.
Now you have more powerful navigation. You can choose speed dial (this is optional) and you can go to anything in the Speed Dial with two clicks - Click, Click - like before. With Right-Click, Drag, Release, Click you can go to anything in any top-level folder. This is more powerful navigation.
In general, multi-level menus are not good UI-wise, so it's good to have a single level menu and then to choose in the Bookmark display.