Opera Tv Store URL loader troubleshooting
roshanvn last edited by
I am trying to load my html5 application on url loader of Opera Tv Store for Tivo Roamio device.It used to work fine , but all of a sudden I'm getting a pop up titled 'unable to open link' with following error message: 'For security reasons, not all links are available through this TV app.'.
Please note that my server(Wamp) where the html5 app is deployed and my opera device are on same network. Can someone help me out ?
dhadley415 last edited by
Same here. I tried it on both my Roamio and Premiere XL, and I get the same error message. It was working fine before yesterday.
bhwhitney last edited by
Conclusion from tivocommunity is Tivo/Opera has disabled the ability to use tivo to develop applications.
fredbach48 last edited by
I am having the same issue with my new Samsung Blu-Ray Player. I get the same exact message.
drazmo last edited by
I had the same error message on the Samsung Blu Ray player. I rebooted and now I just get a blank screen when I launch the "URL Loader". I added it to "My Apps" and now it opens but urls don't load. You see a loading wheel at the top right corner of the screen and then just stays in same screen.
drazmo last edited by
I created my app in the Opera TV Store portal and I see it on the device. But I get the same blank all black screen when I select open.
las3aad last edited by
me i have opera tv store in my tv smart telefunken ( 2015 ) i don't find url loader . please how can i add this application
velijuhanitst last edited by
I was interested in learning to develop with my Sony blu-ray player.
Well the Url Loader does not work, it detects malformed Urls though, but Url Loader does not load anything, no Url-address works
velijuhanitst last edited by admin
My Blu-ray player Sony BDP-S1500 is not on the list of supported devices. Well the Opera-app on the player works, but I can't test inside the Opera-app.