Spam - Occurs as Speedial button
baunz last edited by
This speed dial could be from the carrier network you are using... Different carrier network have different speeddials
rakku1 last edited by
Thanks for your reply baunz!
Those kind of speeddial buttons are just a nuisance.
tenshin111 last edited by
You should be able to delete any speed dial you don't like
Just long tap on it and drag it onto "Remove" button.
rakku1 last edited by
You should be able to delete any speed dial you don't like Just long tap on it and drag it onto "Remove" button.
Did remove 'Best for You' speed dial. It just re-installs by itself !
Must by my network carrier doing it here in South Africa.
daydotz last edited by
I'm getting these quite often on my iPad & iPhone It's quite annoying Having random speedials added
Had this one today -
tenshin111 last edited by
I can only assume that this is your mobile operator pushing them. Is your iPad using 3g or Wifi only?
twozero3 last edited by
I've had a couple of these lately but on Opera Mobile rather than Mini.
The speed dials are totally unrelated to my network operator and considering their nature I would doubt very much they are related to a network provider.
I'm of the opinion that they are a type of spam, expoliting a security weakness.
Yes, they were simple to delete but how about preventing speedials being clandestinely created in the first place unless by the user.
tenshin111 last edited by
The only way to push Speed Dials is via Mini servers using dedicated campaigns. There is now way to do it "secretly"
baunz last edited by
The only reason why am sure the speed dial are from operator.... is because I have a dual sim phone... when I use either one to connect to the Internet.. I get different speed dials...
Just seen a fix in The opera mini 11 beta 1 post... Try it out