Opera Mini 10 beta 2 for Android
baunz last edited by
Great update.... Scrolling isn't smooth... The switching tabs flicks sometimes... Am sure it will get better.... And loading pages do take time....
7yury7 last edited by
Одноразовое приложение.После выхода из данного приложения, необходимо очистить все данные чтобы открыть его обратно.
hamedheydarimk last edited by
Hi. I live in Iran and default OperaMini server is blocked unfortunately :(. So we have to change that
. but what is solution for Opera Turbo / High Saving Mode??
Surfing in Opera with Opera Turbo is very slow and I would prefer not to activate it. and this mode in OperaMini doesn't work at all except when I change my IP. -
gireeshakumarm last edited by
hello when I press back button the page refreshing. ....Please solve this bug.....
d-wa last edited by
suggestion : please add orientation option with portrait or auto landscape.
Override system settings.
Seeing opera server render by device width, this option should've been there since day one on android platform. -
gustavwiz last edited by
A small but visible change is that we have renamed the “Opera Turbo” data-savings mode to “High” and the “Opera Mini” data-savings mode to “Extreme” to explain the difference between the two in just one word.
Very good choice.
barsk last edited by admin
We just released a new update of Opera Mini Beta with some crash fixes and minor tweaks.
As I mentioned in an earlier comment, the night mode feature is automatically disabled after a short while of not running Opera Mini. This is to make sure that night mode is disabled and you can actually use Opera Mini when you pick up the phone again in the morning the next day.
The timeout was previously set to 30 seconds, but this turned out to be a bit too short and caused Opera Mini to leave night mode when switching to another app for just a short while before returning. This time has now been increased to 10 minutes so night mode should work better for multitasking now.
bigbighill last edited by
Text wrap invoid
Mobile phone: HM NOTE 1S
Os:miui 6.5.4 (android 4.4.4)
Opera turbo -
baunz last edited by
Thanks for the improvements... I can feel the change in speed loading.... Thanks for the work guys.
I have a couple of issues... I would like you guys to address
The sync of speed dials... I have plenty of speeddials last synchronized like a month ago. I no longer need them. It would only be fair to sync from the latest devices
I have both the stable version 9 of mini and this beta 3... In the beta, high(turbo) is enabled... But the percentage of compression is almost the same... 54% on beta and 55% on OM 9... Shouldn't one be more... The extreme (OM 9) say like above 70%...
gireeshakumarm last edited by
Please please add a floating tabs which float on any app just like boat browser. .....add quickly. ...
huseinmk last edited by
could you please bring back Bookmarks to the big red O menu , now for me to access Bookmarks i have to leave my current page and go to the main page and press Bookmarks folder previously I could access the bookmarked page without losing my current page/tab,also i noticed that thumbnails for bookmarked pages are no longer appearing .