Food :)
Deleted User last edited by
We are currently in the Nativity Fast so my wife and I avoid meat. While the Church recommends we also abstain from dairy, wine and oil, we generally do not do this. So... until Christmas we eat primarily vegetarian meals with some fish during certain days. Tonight I will take my wife out for dinner and it will probably be shrimp in a pasta dish. For some reason, shellfish are permitted during the fast. Thank goodness for that.
A Former User last edited by
What is it for your dinner today?
I bought a plaice and was thinking of stewing it with rice*:)*
sda38 last edited by
"I bought a plaice and was thinking of stewing it with rice"
hmmm... poaching would be better -
sda38 last edited by
"5 o'clock: a tuna sandwich with tea (black Ceylon)."
Tuna sandwich with extremely thin slices of whole lemon, including zest? -
A Former User last edited by
what else would you do with it??
I don't know. I had am impression people don't always consider buckwheat a food. Was I wrong?
A Former User last edited by
Eating a cold dog now. With some Kenyan tea.
It's been not very yummi though...