What is your Weather? :)
A Former User last edited by
Freezing considerably, but not for long.
We're having atmospheric pressure drunk driving, so follow the temperatures... -
s390g last edited by
RHINELANDER-ONEIDA CO AIRPORT , WI, United States (KRHI) 45-38N 89-29W 485M
Jan 06, 2015 - 04:53 AM EST / 2015.01.06 0953 UTC
Wind: from the W (260 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: partly cloudy
Temperature: -13.0 F (-25.0 C)
Windchill: -29 F (-34 C):2
Dew Point: -18.0 F (-27.8 C)
Relative Humidity: 77%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.15 in. Hg (1020 hPa)
ob: KRHI 060953Z AUTO 26006KT 10SM SCT120 M25/M28 A3015 RMK AO2 SLP264 T12501278
cycle: 10 -
Deleted User last edited by
Cold. More cold. The son of cold. Cold that will not leave.
A high of maybe 13 F today under clear skies, tonight it gets to -5 F, not terribly warm tomorrow.
An Alberta Clipper blew through here last night, left behind 6 inches of snow and all this cold. Cold until the weekend at least. Winter in Northern Illinois, gotta love it.
ryszard last edited by
Temperatura: -6.2 °C
Wilgotność: 59.1 %
Ciśnienie Atmosferyczne: 1004 hPa
Siła wiatru: 2 m/s
Kierunek wiatru: 142.9 °
Opady deszczu: 0 mm
Temperature: -13.0 F (-25.0 C)
In the refrigerator warmer
A Former User last edited by
-16°C, clear night.
Expectingglobalsome warming about to happen, though... -
Deleted User last edited by
It's been hovering around zero F under clear skies all day. Cold tonight, ten below F under clear skies. Polar bears coming inside where it's warm.
s390g last edited by
Still kinda cold in Great Lakes Area of North America:
Rhinelander, WI
Current Local Conditions at:
Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft
Last Update: 01/13/15, 05:53 AM CST
Weather: Fair
Temperature: -23°F (-31°C)
Humidity: 69 %
Wind Speed: Calm
Barometer: 30.64 in. (1043.6 mb)
Dewpoint: -30°F (-34°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi. -
ryszard last edited by
Temperatura: 2 °C
Wilgotność: 79.8 %
Ciśnienie Atmosferyczne: 990.7 hPa
Siła wiatru: 5.6 m/s
Kierunek wiatru: 220.9 °
Opady deszczu: 0 mm
s390g last edited by
National Weather Service Rhinelander, WI
Current Local Conditions at:
Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft
Last Update: 01/18/15, 12:53 PM CST
Weather: Overcast
Temperature: 33°F (1°C)
Humidity: 64 %
Wind Speed: NW 17 G 25 MPH
Barometer: 29.70 in. (1007.7 mb)
Dewpoint: 22°F (-6°C)
Wind Chill: 22°F (-6°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi.Much warmer now than last week. The arctic air occasionally reaches us here, even though we are at the 45th parallel, about same latitude as Southern tip of Switzerland.
A Former User last edited by
S390g, you should clean up your copypaste before submitting stuff like that. Use the preview feature and you'll see what to do.
To add a linebreak, type 2 spaces at the end of the line, then "return". To start a new paragraph, enter two Enters. -
ryszard last edited by
Temperatura: 4.3 °C
Wilgotność: 88.8 %
Ciśnienie Atmosferyczne: 986.6 hPa
Siła wiatru: 1.4 m/s
Kierunek wiatru: 213.2 °
Opady deszczu: 0 mm -
s390g last edited by
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft Last Update: 01/20/15, 08:53 AM CST Overcast: 19 °F
s390g last edited by
Yes, I tried the Markdown on the last post, i'll try 2spaces and 2entre here:
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft
Last Update: 01/20/15, 08:53 AM CST
Weather: Overcast
Temperature: 19°F (-7°C)
s390g last edited by
Sky conditions: clear
Temperature: 24.1 F (-4.4 C)
It is closer to normal temp here the last few days. Should be toasty tomorrow.....
A Former User last edited by
Sky conditions: clear
Temperature: 24.1 F (-4.4 C)
It is closer to normal temp here the last few days. Should be toasty tomorrow.....Toasty?
What's your normal climate, will you tell us? Terrain?
Much snow in winter? Frosty? Winds? -
s390g last edited by
Hi all,
Terrain here is mostly lakes and woods at about 1600 ft (488 meters),recently glaciated 20,000 years ago. So no mountains. Winters with snow here last from November to April usually. But the last few years have been all over the place. 2012 was the warmest year ever and had the earliest spring ever. Last winter was the coldest ever, or very close to it. So the lakes were iced over till halfway through May.
The normal high temp for today is 21 F (-6 C), **but right now 22:00 local it is 31 F (-1 C) ** - kind of nice for a change
Snow is only about a foot deep now (30 cm).
45.6 -89.5 are coordinates for general area.
Joshl, you seem to be in a cold area. Is that so?
A Former User last edited by
In a what?
Dubna is about a hundred miles north from Moscow. The town's on the river Volga - at its affluence with a small one, Dubna.
The "Moscow Sea" reservoir we have here - a moderate one, very nice for photography and fishermen*;)*