F2 in Opera 25 for Windows?
currentcatcher last edited by
Okay, I've loved Opera for years because of this one feature: Press F2 then press 'g' and type your Google search terms. It requires one hand and is is super quick.
But now it's gone!!?? Great.. Time to find a new browser if you don't bring this back. Maybe firefox has a plugin for that.
currentcatcher last edited by
Just tried the 'Shortkeys' extension.. No go. Why change things that are working so well? Really. We just need Opera to be faster, Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and changing things that don't need changed.
linuxmint7 last edited by
The latest version of Opera has had nothing in common with the older version of Opera for almost two years. They are completely different browsers, based on completely different engines (guts). The old version 12.17 and older were based on Opera ASA's own propitiatory (in-house) engine and the new Opera is based on the open source Chromium engine. They are not compatible and share nothing with each other, except name. The new Opera has been built entirely from scratch. You should maybe do a little research to maybe enlighten yourself on what has happened regarding Opera over the past two years.
migorr last edited by
"FocusAddressbar" : ["Ctrl+L","Alt+D","Ctrl+E","F8"]
You can eventually remap it to F2
currentcatcher last edited by
Sorry @linuxmint7, I'm used to running an older Opera I guess. I also run Opera in Mint, and in Mint 17, we have Opera 12.16, where the F2 key still works to open a new window.
@migorr, the "FocusAddressbar" unfortunately doesn't open a new tab, but F8 is cool.
Regarding the "Shortkeys" extension, it does work, I just had to exit and restart Opera. I just made a new keyboard shortcut so I can press the 'g' key to open a new tab with one key press. It's beautiful, and such a time saver.