Opera Mail starts on secondary monitor
overcast2 last edited by
Since a couple of days, Opera Mail starts up on my secondary monitor. I can't find a setting that will make it start on the primary monitor again. Where is this setting saved?
Thanks for your help.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Close down Opera and rename operaprefs.ini (so Opera creates a new one) in the preferences folder (see help -> about Opera Mail for the location). If that fixes it, then it's a setting in that file. If not, try deleting autosave.win in the sessions folder.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Awesome. It was probably something in the "Windows" section in that file. Under that section are settings for different windows. The values are comma-separated and save things like window position and size etc. If you have the old file, you could look to see if one of those lines are different. Might be a 1 instead of a 0 saying the window should appear on the second monitor. Not sure.
overcast2 last edited by
Thanks for the info. In the Windows section of the old operaprefs.ini file, most of the lines were ending with a '0', except these, ending with a '2':
Document Window=0,0,942,888,2
Contacts Panel Window=0,0,738,865,2
Compose Window=0,0,1280,933,2
Application Window=1295,-5,1097,964,2
Mail Window=0,0,1076,933,2
Thanks again.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Thanks for checking. Will be useful for others that have this problem.