Opera 11.xx M2 Crash during contacting server
emc last edited by
Does any of you have knowledge base with the crash like this ?
IMAP / Gmail
Opera M2
Hit check, the bar showing Contacting Server 1/3, Contacting Server 2/3.............. CRASH !
If I am to correct this situation, which file I should modify in Opera ? I tried deleting Mali folder & I tried rebulided the gmail IMAP account, still CRASH. I have a feeling the index.ini having problem but I need the index.ini since it has my 200 tabs in it.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
is there way I can reach this previous page in old forum ?
===> http://my.opera.com/operawiki/forums/topic.dml?id=1162442
===> http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1640532
Thank you
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
I am okay now finally have to:
Force to delete the file name Omailbase.dat
Would someone please kindly show me how to fix a corrupt index.ini so that I can use it back ( save back all the tabs in the index.ini )
Thank you very much !