Opera Mini 8 update 1 for Java and BlackBerry
mattcintosh last edited by
Using Opera 8 for J2ME. Loved the interface in Opera 7, Opera 8 is pretty harsh (I hate the Windows 8 interface). Would it be too much to ask for an option to switch themes?
Also, Outlook.com doesn't work properly. Cannot delete messages cannot switch to other pages.
Also, ebay items switch to the mobile version, its difficult to do things like revise items, send invoices when all the options are missing. The rest of ebay shows up as the desktop version which I prefer.
operaqnx last edited by
I understand from the post above that the 7.x version for android is ok for a Blackberry Z10, but am just wondering if there are plans to develop Opera for newer Blackberry versions.
Like Blackberry, like Opera, would love to keep the "team" intact.
Created this account just to ask. : - )
klev last edited by
Also, Outlook.com doesn't work properly. Cannot delete messages cannot switch to other pages.
Outlook.com @ Opera Mini: https://mssl.mail.live.com/m/?bfv=wm
moisessito last edited by
yo opino q opera deberia ponerle user agent android al opera mini 8 porque eso atraeria + a los usuarios de celulares java y android de hecho yo tengo una que tiene eso y es mucho mejor q tuviera el turbo ya incluido yo les podria dar el Link para q ustedes lo modifiken gracias x tomar mi sugerencia
chinmay-mayee last edited by
when i have to type something i have to use qwerty and while using shortcuts i have to use numericals so plz change this thing. Kep all in qwerty. While downloading any big file if i exit, the file gives error at next time. So data lose is happening. In personalisation, some emprovement should be there. Like any android phn
kashifkhann last edited by
opera mini 8 have a big problem of disk space it only download 16 mb file thats a maximum limit if that. Why u cant increse a disk space opera
perthomas last edited by
opera mini 8 have a big problem of disk space it only download 16 mb file thats a maximum limit if that. Why u cant increse a disk space opera
We don't have a limitation for this in Opera Mini. Usually you have to save to the SD card as the internal memory can have a limitation. See here for more info:
http://btsc.webapps.blackberry.com/btsc/viewdocument.do?externalId=KB26221&sliceId=1&cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&noCount=true&ViewedDocsListHelper=com.kanisa.apps.common.BaseViewedDocsListHelperImpl -
corzioli last edited by
Since Opera Link has sadly been retired, I need to be sure before I update from 8.0 to 8.1. I would get extremely pissed
if my bookmarks (and their folders), speed dial entries, login credentials, etc. are lost in the update process. I think much of that data is stored somewhere on my phone's C drive, and nothing should change since it's the same version, but I NEED TO BE REALLY, REALLY SURE.
Deleted User last edited by ip was delisted today from CBL. First ip seen (by me) with 'Illegal 3rd party exploits, including proxies, worms and trojan' generic red mark.
corzioli last edited by
I want to believe Opera Link hasn't been retired, but the truth is that it has been dysfunctional across all Opera browsers (I think) for much of this year, and the dev team has been likely given a gag order
because apart from a few polite, low-info canned responses, they've been pretty much tight-lipped about the whole affair. Seems to me that some much better syncing feature is in the works so we'll have to grin and bear the wait and embrace Opera's future. This is a calculated guess anyway, nothing firm... I'm thousands of miles away from Oslo so there ya go.
corzioli last edited by
Anyway, here's my real bother that needs an answer. I want to upgrade to this bug-fix version but since OL is broken, my bookmarks, history, speed dial etc. haven't been backed up and I'm REALLY SCARED that I may lose all of them in the process of upgrading since this is a simple JME browser. Is that fear founded or should I just go ahead with the upgrade?
minimaciej last edited by
corzioli, what makes you think Link doesn't work? wfm, although syncing takes several minutes, up to .5h
corzioli last edited by
Well, well, well... Opera Link doesn't matter to me anymore. My phone was stolen over the weekend, and all the bookmarks, saved pages, my speed dial... all that went away with it. Most of those were curated over years. I had to manually export those from the older OMs to 8.0, and that took HOURS daily. There was a time Opera Link worked but that was maybe last year. .5 hours? Yeah right. Once I left it syncing for like an hour and the thing was STILL SYNCING just a few megabytes worth of data. Obviously nothing was happening.
I'm afraid but that's the end of Opera for me. I'm finally going Android and Chrome has some ok data-saving capabilities, not to mention that it's 2 billion times better than Opera, and syncing is automatic moreorless.
Good riddance, Opera.
nandaveer last edited by
Is there any chance of providing options like cloud storage space & cloud download in Opera mini for java?
Deleted User last edited by
issues related to font calculations ? 16 minutes with os 7.0 and 40 with 6.0 is not quite a record for fonts calculation on bb devices.