Nothing opens on 25.0.1606.0
guciok last edited by
Spoke to fast. Problem is still there. Limit would be around 80-90 tabs, than problem starts again guys. Can anyone test that for me? open some random 100 tabs, restart browser wait few minutes till all tabs get loaded, than try opening new tab from some link or bookmark. In my case new tabs are blank till I close half of opened from before.
guciok last edited by
Now I know that this happens only with tab hibernation enabled. Must be a bug.
linuxmint7 last edited by admin
Now I know that this happens only with tab hibernation enabled. Must be a bug.
But you already said in another topic that you filed a bug report about this an hour or so ago.
Deleted User last edited by
Now I know that this happens only with tab hibernation enabled. Must be a bug.
Then you've discovered a different issue. For me even the first tab didn't open and I've never had tab hibernation enabled.
guciok last edited by admin
Now I know that this happens only with tab hibernation enabled. Must be a bug.
But you already said in another topic that you filed a bug report about this an hour or so ago., I did. I want them to check this out if this is really a bug or just my pc.
Deleted User last edited by
It works now (without -no-sandbox). Sadly, I'm not sure what did it. I ran ComboFix which some people reported helped them. I left it unattended for a few minutes only to find it crashed my system. I shut it down and restarted during which about 30 updates were installed by Windows update (mostly Office, some Visual Studio and C++ redistributable package updates). After that I tried Opera without -no-sandbox and, lo and behold, it worked! So did ComboFix fix something before the crash or did a Windows update solve it I have no idea...
It was truly bizarre, all other browsers worked during this time (Chrome stable, Chrome canary, Firefox, Opera Next, Opera 12, IE), so I don't believe it was caused by something malicious.
Anyway, thanks leocg for showing interestWell, it's not working again. It wasn't the latest Opera update, it stopped working before that. No Windows Updates in a while too. Only "works" with --no-sandbox.
Deleted User last edited by
FYI: This bug now affects stable version 25.0.1614.50 as well.
Yup. It just started happening on a different PC (Win XP) running the stable build, and it's still not working on my regular PC (Win 7) which is running the developer build. It's definitely not a virus or malware causing this.
jirven last edited by
Same has happened to me...
When the stable version updated to version 25 all the tabs just says loading. I can't open anything and settings etc. is not working. Than I installed the beta version and it was the same problem there...
So I started using the old version 12, damn I miss all the features it has as undo etc. but Internet isn't built for it anymore so I downloaded version 24 and it started to bug me about wrong profile because of I had newer version but at least it worked find to surf with. Unfortunately I didn't turn auto install off, so now I have a non-working version 25 again...
Windows 8.1 64 bit and I haven't changed not even a small thing the last week so it is definitely something that came with the update.
jirven last edited by
Forgot to mention that with --no-sandbox it works just fine.
edit: and all my bookmarks are gone, perfect...
amigaunited last edited by admin
For missing bookmarks see
Deleted User last edited by
Forgot to mention that with --no-sandbox it works just fine.
Yeah, I'm running with --no-sandbox too even though it's strongly discouraged. I'd be happy if someone from Opera at least confirmed they're looking into this...
BTW it works on my work computer running Win8.1. It doesn't seem to be OS specific.
amigaunited last edited by
I finally got Opera running without --no-sandbox parameter!
Cause seems to be a interdependency with the "Intel Management Engine Components" and / or "Intel Trusted Connect Service"
Can anyone verify / reproduce following procedure - I currently only did it within Sandboxie ( to avoid damaging my system:
- Check if some specific plugins are installed and detected
At the bottom of the page (where HTTP_USER_AGENT and more information is displayed) check if the following plugins are detected:
Identity Protection Technology (Intel web components for Intel
Identity Protection Technology) npIntelWebAPIIPT.dll
IntelIdentity Protection Technology (Intel web components updater - Installs and updates the Intel web components) npIntelWebAPIUpdater.dll
Optional you can open a command line (Windows+R, then enter cmd.exe) and list your path variable with entering:
echo %path%
The output should contain a path like
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Int el\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
- When one or both plugins are detected, close Opera and uninstall following software from your system
I added my exact version information in brackets. Maybe there is someone with other or even same versions and Opera is working fine with them.
- "Intel(R) Trusted Connect Service Client" (v1.22.216.0)
- "Intel(R) Management Engine Components" (v8.0.0.1262)
- Restart Opera using --no-sandbox parameter and re-check if the plugins were successfully uninstalled
Optional, again check path variable within cmd.exe - all paths to C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components should be missing now.
- Restart Opera without any additional command line options
If possible, please post your result here.
Deleted User last edited by
I don't have those plugins. I already tried disabling all plugins, didn't help.
Deleted User last edited by
Another update, still no improvement. 27.0.1670.0 also doesn't open anything...
Can we at least get a comment from someone at Opera what is the status of this? Do you consider this to not be a problem with Opera or are you looking into it?
amigaunited last edited by admin
Regarding Opera developers are investigating this issue.
As the basic problem is in the source of Chrome / Chromium (developed by Google) this problem can be a tricky one to solve.
Update to my solution with Intel drivers: I've updated the management engine components to V8.1.0.1263 (on live system) and was able to start Opera normally.
I then uninstalled latest drivers and reinstalled the old ones and now this is driving me crazy as I am not able to reproduce the problem anymore, tested with several Opera development and last 3 stable versions... all are working fine.
Seems the Intel uninstallers have done something to filesystem and / or registry. I would not like to restore my system from my backup from beginning of last month.
Deleted User last edited by admin
Regarding Opera developers are investigating this issue.
As the basic problem is in the source of Chrome / Chromium (developed by Google) this problem can be a tricky one to solve.OK, great, I wasn't aware of that thread. I know it's a Chromium issue, but the weird thing is I've never had it happen in Chrome and I've been running the stable, dev and canary builds in parallel just to see if it would show up...
jirven last edited by
Still not working... Not in beta v. 27 or official v. 26.
Maybe better luck with another browser, alot of benefits from version 12 is gone anyway...
Deleted User last edited by
Just a quick update - Opera still opens no pages on 27.0.1689.13. Any updates from the Opera guys investigating this?
BTW Chrome works (and it always has for me)...