Opera Mini beta for Windows Phone - ready for testing
omarpirela last edited by
At least! The app open in my Lumia 1020 with WP 8.1.1 Developer Preview, but some pages renders terrible, for example wpcentral.com, others as carscoops.com or winbeta.org presents some glitches with the images and some HTML elements and in my own website pirelaneuman.com I have a JavaScript to go to top with a smooth scroll, when press the go to top button the app open a new tab with my website on top, isn't the correct behavior, the experience isn't stable as expected...
wallyssonpj last edited by
v. Ainda não está funcionando ... Preso na tela de carregamento.
lumia 520!
aadarshsana last edited by
Steps to use opera mini
Problem 1 stucked on splash screen just start the app after starting the app turn off data .u will be able to browse second if it crash on web page loading click on button on speed dial and add m.facebook.com that's it after it stops.u will be able to browse -
srinidhihebbar last edited by
crashes everytime i open on my windows phone 8.1.......Im on developers preview.....update it please
sergiomurilofcosta last edited by
It crashes in my Lumia 520 too, I'm using Windows Phone 8.1 with lumia cyan installed.
kiranrs143 last edited by
I just checked this a couple of times and fixes the crash issue, pick a page and start it. Stop it right after clicking it and load again. Wont crash and works.
Not working in my Lumia 525 cyan
wallyssonpj last edited by
Passos para usar o Opera Mini Problema 1 encravada na tela inicial basta iniciar o aplicativo depois de iniciar o aplicativo desative dados .u será capaz de navegar segundo se ele falhar na página web carregar clique no botão de discagem rápida e adicionar m.facebook.com é isso depois que stops.u será capaz de navegar
Hello, I followed your tutotial and it worked!
kiranrs143 last edited by
Hi everyone
Last week we asked for your help to test the beta version of Opera Mini for Windows Phone. The test version is now ready and sent to all the testers that signed up for the beta. For those of you early birds that made it into the beta test, we’d really appreciate if you can give your feedback in this forum string, so we can improve the user experience further.
If you’re one of the unlucky ones that missed the chance to join our Windows beta testers group. Don’t despair, we’re also making the build available to all you Opera Forums users. Have a go at it!
We have now released an update that should improve the crashing problems some of you experience on start-up. Go to the Windows Phone store and get the new build. The issues with not being able to play video on YouTube has also been fixed.
Download the Opera Mini beta: http://opr.as/f0Y
Enjoy!App( is keep crashing on my Lumia 525 8.1
shovonisalive last edited by
what you've done with the texts !!!!!!!!! cant copy a single one .... why bitmap ???
but now its working allright ........
topogigi last edited by
Downloaded today the updated release. All is OK now on my Samsung Ativ S 8.1 Developer Preview. Very fast indeed!
shovonisalive last edited by
5 minutes ago it was allright ( i was on wifi ) .... now its crashing again ( cellular )
akashpats last edited by
App is still crashing after version update.
I can't even agree the terms as the app crashes up before it is loaded up. -
kaartman last edited by
Hi all,
"Enter" key non- functional keyboard. It lacks the ability to choose between Google or another search engine at the top right .
harry-smith last edited by
Thanks for developing app!
After the last update Opera works well, I haven't seen any crashes yet. Lumia 925 WP 8.1 PFD
I saw people reaction, and someones wonder if there will be a Modern UI interface? I know it's not the most important thing, but have you anything in your plans?
And sometimes it shows sites incorrectly. I don't why, maybe because of site, or probably because of other stuff.
zzzmicek last edited by
Nokia Lumia 630
- :
Opera Mini-beta from the beginnig up to v. crashing 2-3 seconds after starting it. Stuck at loading screen. I haven't been able to test it.. Not even for a first time,
but now finally:
After just updating to Opera Mini-beta v. !!! succesfully started - begining to test it.
Looks fine at first glance - :
Deleted User last edited by
Today I uninstalled and reinstalled the program and I can say things are definitely getting better! This browser is showing some capabilities that none of my other browsers ever came close to. I love the password retention feature and nearly every web page has rendered correctly. There will surely be a few issues moving forward but I have to say I'm a happy user so far.
aneesh-m last edited by
After installing the version,Its working fine, Websites are loading smoothly on my lumia 720 with Windows 8.1...so far so good...
xstn last edited by
Hi, I'm testing your browser, and I think its much better than IE, but I find the first problem, when I use the direction bar to make a search the browser crash every time, My phone is a lumia 520, and I don´t think that was a RAM PROBLEM.
I hope that it's not big deal, but you said to tell every problem that we have.