Opera Mini beta for Windows Phone - ready for testing
cooljangu last edited by
one simple trick just until next 3 update comes -
Only for those who are facing webpage load crashing problems .
just use this simple trick ( I myself doing it for now and it really works )
- when you launch Opera mini - you see some prebuilt speed dial websites just click it and let it load >after that you browse any wrbsite smoothly without any crashing.
balktok last edited by
on v . in my lumia 820 i keep the bug of that the pages don't load me and close the app. And too keep the bug of report problems since app.
zmartix last edited by
It work is fine on my Lumia 620, very fast and have oldschool interface
, but need to make support JAWA :awww:
bharatme89 last edited by
That is not working. In fact, at 16:00 IST, when I saw the first crash after Opera beta update, I clicked the website on speed dial. Post that, I am clicking the websites in speed dial ONLY! Yet, the crash happens. Somehow, I was directed to a website only once. And at the last second, the Opera had finally crashed!
jaanesen last edited by
Everyone who haven't noticed yet, it was a fault with the first beta version which caused crash on startup for 90%+ of people using it. It has been fixed, all you need to do is go back to the email, click the link to the app and press the "Update" button so you'll get the fixed version. Keep in mind that this is a beta, it's slow and a million things will change before this is final. Most important thing right now is that it's working and as you guys beta test it we would love all the feedback you guys can give us.
sirfy2004 last edited by
Someone must be kidding with UI, ı wanna wake designers up; hey guys year 2014, u r designing an app for Windows 8.1 just reliased, i guess improving an app compitable with 2014 brand win mob 8.1 , pls redesign the app if not pls leave improving it,is,just one star and trash.
axkazex93 last edited by
I can't use it. Keeps crashing everytime I try to open
Also wouldn't be better to create a forum to track down the suggestions and problems instead of making everyone post into this single thread every problem or suggestion they have? o.O
Edit: I have the latest updated version
satyendra92 last edited by
Still crashing and even YouTube not opening n always crashed after update
baguslaksana last edited by
My phone is lumia 520 pd 8.1 gdr 1, opera beta is good at the first, but now every i try to go any website it gonna be force close every time, please fix this problem.... Thanks
wallyssonpj last edited by
Lumia 520, WP 8.1 Update, OS Version: 8.10.14157.200.
The application after update v. Still not working ... Stuck on the loading screen.
a--e last edited by crashing at startup on huawei w1-u00 wp 8.1 (8.10.14157.200)
w8ing 4 the fix. -
dineshkumarbe last edited by
Still after the today's update to v, the app still crashes when trying to open in my nokia Lumia 525 running Windows phone 8.1
bharatme89 last edited by
I did this awhile back - I uninstalled Opera beta. -> Then, open the mail which I got from Opera to download the app -> I installed that Opera beta (This Opera was direct updated version which the testers received today morning). After installing, I opened the app. It again crashed while initializing. I restarted my phone and opened the app. It crashed again while initializing.Jaanesen, Please reply to this comment.
mateglavina last edited by
When phone language is set to Croatian (Hrvatski), Opera Mini just hangs on splash screen (white screen with Opera Mini logo).
When phone language is set to English loads normaly.
Error present on all 3 builds so far ( -
jwlary last edited by
WP8.1, Lumia 635, Opera Mini - beta v
App starts up - creates Opera Mini window then crashes within ~1 second.
Not much different from the last version.
tushar31093 last edited by
App is still crashing. The app loads, but is stuck on some kind of a white page. I am not getting any proper notification about the update. Please look in to it.
wemerson-silva last edited by
Thanks for bringing the Opera Mini for Windows Phone.
These are some problems presented:
1- The app doesn't load pages. When he does, closes and does not load the desired content.
2- Does not work with proxy.
3- Text suggestions aren't working.
4- The layout does not match the default Windows Phone.
5- I'm having trouble logging on some sites. Ex: Disqus.com.
6- Also Noticed some minor crashes to add a URL.
7- Speed Dial is not loading the icons of the pages.BUILD: 409101633 & 7.6
Platform: Windows Phone Preview for Developers 8.1/Black
Reporter country: BR
Reporter IP Address:
Model phone: Nokia Lumia 520. -
apecx92 last edited by
Thank you for the update!!
everything is working great now.
-just got bad rendering on few website.
-add option to view in mobile or desktop
-improve speed.
-the UI is great! love the tab feature unlike IE look ugly, just need minor polish to look like Metro.
-please add exit button.