Where are my bookmarks???
mjlee68 last edited by
So I was more or less forced to update to the latest version of Opera, and now all my bookmarks from the earlier version are gone?! This has not been a problem for any Opera update apart from this one. I loathe the new bookmark system with a separate bar across the top of the window, what was wrong with the old fashioned fold down menu bookmarks folder? And why is it suddenly complicated to make a new bookmark? Gah, tearing my hair over this. I tried to google and Opera help but no info on how not to import bookmarks from another browser but the old (now presumably deleted) version of Opera. Uh, anybody help?
Deleted User last edited by
I'm a little confused over your being "forced to update to the latest browser" since Opera 12.17 will not ask you to update to Opera 24 (and I'm assuming you mean that you've been forced to update to Opera Blink from Opera Presto although you don't say what version BUT since you're talking about the bookmarks bar it only makes sense).
So, if the new browser's current system of bookmark management is not to your liking, you can easily revert to Opera 12.17. You are able to run both browsers side by side without any issues so just download and install the older browser and your old profile should still be intact.
For your information, Opera 25 which is not far off is rumored to have a bookmarking system similar to the former one in the Presto version so you might want to continue to keep both running and see how things work out.
A Former User last edited by admin
Instructions here: http://forums.opera.com/topic/1196/how-do-i-import-my-opera-bookmarks
mjlee68 last edited by
Thank you lifesavers!!! Importing done, and hopefully new(est) version of Opera will revert back to the old fashion bookmarks folder X/ seriously sometimes people are too clever for their own good. Oh well, you get what you pay for
and hopefully when Opera 25 hits, they will automatically import bookmarks from earlier versions.
mjlee68 last edited by
Next question (and leushino not forced but it did ask if I wanted to update and since all previous updates had been totally painless I did): I have imported individual bookmarks and they show on the bar, but I can't import the bookmark folders, I click the import and it imports the folders but then nothing shows up on the bar and when I go back it shows that I haven't imported the folder.