How to detect TV data
movies4us last edited by
We are building a app to work on all TVs that supports Opera.
We need to detect the follow information in order to authenticate the TV:
- Serial Number
- MAC Address
- Manufacturer (Sony/Philips,...)
How can we do this ?
krystiangorski last edited by
If you need some unique identifier then you can read it from GET parameter uid. It will allow you to identify device where Opera TV Store is running
movies4us last edited by
We really need the Serial Number, because we use it for Customer Support, when a issue is opened from our customers we can track everything by those information.
BTW this uid comes to the root app url ? like ?
kpotocki last edited by
- there is no way to obtain the device serial number from the Opera TV Store.
- yes, the uid comes to the root app url.