Random Bugs to fix
A Former User last edited by
In my Opera (I'm not sure if only) I can't seem to star threads - it gives an error page: "you're not authorised to blah-blah-blah".
Actually - is that a star altogether? If it is - it looks exhausted:DActually - despite the "error" the topic's got starred
And interestingly, in other threads both the star and up/down fingers look o'k. -
A Former User last edited by
When is the "next to the OP" bug gonna get eliminated already?
I don't do "reload" - I rather personally expect the site working without "playingaround">:/
Josh -
A Former User last edited by
The "General" section now looks like this:
General topics
Forum title Latest post
Forum feedback
Time zone setting?
leocg • July 18
Suggestion box
[Opera Button] Option to hide/remove
slowboyfast • 3:12PM
What are you doing on the Net right about now?
joshl • 3:16PM
EarthBut when I enter the "Feedback", it looks like this:
Discussion Replies Latest post
This forum index no longer seems to arrange threads by last posting time...
July 18
Time zone setting?
July 18
opera Mini wish list
1 New
July 18
ngamer01And that seems to be the case for a second day running.
What's up?
Huh? -
A Former User last edited by
The above described spot looks "nice" after I posted that, of course. But->
In the "Windows" section, when my new topic about oldish Opera seems to be fairly active, I guess we're having a similar situation now.
Let alone that I suspect I've lacked some instant notifications recently - for that thread exactly...:left: -
A Former User last edited by admin
What is that: next to OP?
If your submission doesn't seem to show up, try scrolling to the top - next to the OP.
I've answered to this. -
A Former User last edited by admin
If your submission doesn't seem to show up, try scrolling to the top - next to the OP.
That's the bug. Not stably performed, however.
Sometimes, I can't see my submission ANYwhere - like it was in this thread now... -
A Former User last edited by
It will come right if you refresh the page of course, but it's still a pain.
I wish they would fix this, it's been like it for weeks and weeks now!
blackcoder last edited by
Could it be that some Markdown does not work here?
For example emphasis by encapsulating a word with "*" or "_".
Both should result to < em>word< /em> (I had to add space so it gets displayed) according to http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#em
A Former User last edited by admin
It's got corrupted since "the new looks" were implemented. (Though something wasn't right before anyway.)
Something does still work. No italics though, and I don't know how to underline - though I've seen it since. -
Deleted User last edited by
When I post something in some topic, my post is posted in above all posts, after reloading the page, my post comes to the end of the page.
A Former User last edited by
... my post is posted in above all posts...
It's rather "placed".
Nobody sees it - except you upon submitting. It has something with their scripts - as they tried to do "updating without reloading". -
A Former User last edited by admin
'Settings', 'quote' and 'thumbs up/down' buttons are squashed vertically (this has been brought up in the new looks thread, it makes them very difficult to make out. I had to hover over them to understand what they mean. They're also easy to miss out on anyway, since the contrast is so low.
Sometimes, a refresh might make them the right size, but for the most part, they look like this:Using Opera 12.17.
A Former User last edited by
Jetro, Opera, yes. But they're not always squashed, it rather seems appearing randomly - from thread to thread, or like that.
In Firefox, they're sometimes visible, sometimes not - only hoverable. -
A Former User last edited by
As you say, it seems purely random.
Sometimes the icons are the correct shape, sometimes not, but they are always a very faint grey and very hard to see.
Surely it can't be difficult to make them a darker shade?!
I'm on Opera 12.17 too BTW.
A Former User last edited by
The latest updated threads' order for "Lounge" is upside-down [again] now.
yongshun last edited by
I feel that for each release, there should be a dedicated and pinned thread for users to post their bugs/feedbacks, similiar to the old forums.
Right now there are just too many discussions been created and it makes it hard to track with people posting issues from different versions of the opera they are using.
A Former User last edited by
You misput your suggestion, bro. This topic is for the forum/site bugs only.
A Former User last edited by
Well, for the second time noticeably I encountered a weird bug while editing (creating) a post (reply/comment).
I preview all my submissions as a rule. Especially when they contain more elaborated formatting (markdown - links, images, tooltips...).
So, upon the very first previewing it's usually o'k. Very often I return to editing, then preview again.
Sometimes, upon the 2nd, maybe 3rd (or further - not much) attempt to preview the preview function starts glitching hilariously: no preview do I see, but instead there appear multiple editing boxes with my identical input, moreover, the "Write comment * Preview" buttons multiply twice upon each such box, and even moreover - the multiplication of the blue "Save draft" and "Post comment" buttons avalanches with every further click in a vain attempt to still try to preview the thing: this last time I obtained a page with about a dozen editing boxes with all the "Write comment * Preview" button lines doubled - and of different colours, and with the numbers of the "Save/Post" buttons' incarnations varying from 1-2 in a row to 4, 5 and 6 in a row (maybe they were even more somewhere in the "page" - I didn't have enough curiousity to elucidate through the whole entirety). -
A Former User last edited by
Hey! we have the smilies! :cheers:
However, two things.
Some codes are not working - for example, <_< . And if I want to edit my post, the smilies menu seems not opening