Opera Mail function and GMail
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I'm trying to get my GMail account set up properly with the Opera email interface
In Opera Mail 1.0 (the standalone Opera Mail) or the one in Opera 12.x?
If you pass /Mail to opera.exe, when Opera starts up, it should load a tab with the "Unread" message list in it. It might not work if Opera is already open though. If you pass /Mail to operamail.exe, I don't think it does anything due to a bug.
It sounds like you're using Opera 12 for example and the mail button on your keyboard is launching "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe" /Mail
If so, that's what should happen. However, it just loads an unread tab. You can't change what the /Mail command-line switch does.
Now, when I click the "X" on the "Mail(X)" tab it closes bringing me to the next viewed tab, and I can NOW click on the "Unread" tab and now I can view emails.
Were I to click on the "Unread" tab's "X" it closes both tabs.Is this in Opera 12 or Opera Mail 1.0?
It seems somehow things just aren't working right allowing a switch between the two tabs when both are open which is a bit inconvenient to say the least as it seems in the "Unread" tab there's no way to compose an EMail
You can use ctrl + m to compose an email. Or, press F4 open the panel list and select the mail panel. There you should see a compose button. If you right-click on a toolbar, goto "customize" and then "appearance" (and then "panels" in Opera 12), you should be able to check "enable panel toggle at edge of screen" to easily get the mail panel open.
Some screen shots might help.
Also, what version of windows are you using? 32-bit or 64-bit?
trekker4747 last edited by
This is in Opera 12.17, 32-bit Windows.
Okay, I press the "Mail" Button on my keyboard and this is what I get:
I can click on the other tabs to go to the other sites but I click on the mail-relevant tags and they do not switch. I can pretty much do nothing in this tab. I can close and collapse the various sections but that's pretty much it. Though click on Trash, Spam, Read, whatever does change the mail box tab, apparently allowing me to view different sections of the mailbox.
I close the "Mail" tag by clicking the "X" on it and it closes, taking me to the previous visited tab and I can now click onto the actual mail box to view mail.
In the screencap, if I were to X-out the "Unread" tab it closes both mailbox tabs.
This same thing happens when I choose "Read Mail" from the "Mail" drop-down menu.
Now, I press F4 and I get the list, as if I had pressed the "Mail" button, and I can click on one of the items and opens a new tab for that item and I can click between the list and the opened mailbox, just as it should work.
Just seems there's a hiccup in the switching between tabs if I use the mailbox key or "Read Mail" from the DD-Menu. Hope this helps outline my problem better.
trekker4747 last edited by
Seems there's a hiccup in the thumbnail screen-shot links I provided. Just copy/paste the URL minus the BBcode parts.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Seems there's a hiccup in the thumbnail screen-shot links I provided. Just copy/paste the URL minus the BBcode parts.
Yep. No biggie. I see what you mean about the mail tab. I'll try to reproduce later and see what's up. But, till then, you can close down Opera and delete sessions/autosave.win in the preferences folder (see help -> about Opera for the location). You can also delete/rename operaprefs.ini in there to clear global mail settings (in addition to browser settings) and window positions etc. Also, if you're not using the Opera Standard skin, switch to that. Also, switch to the default Opera Standard menus and toolbars in "Alt + p -> advanced -> toolbars". Also, click the wrench icon on the mail panel toolbar and reset the mail panel to defaults.
That way, you can test with the default settings to see if anything behaves differently. You can then re-customize and put your tab bar on left again etc.
Also, what way do you usually reach the mail panel? If you do it via "Menu -> mail -> read mail", the "Auto Mail Panel Toggle" setting in opera:config goes into effect. (So, try unchecking that.)
Again though, I'll try later to see what it does for me.
trekker4747 last edited by
Okay, sigh
Now, here's the thing.
Checking that thing int opera:config did allow me to check my mail but it doesn't work entirely as I'd like.
If you need screen-caps to help illustrate this, I'll be happy to provide but right now I'm going to describe this as best as I can as I'm not sure what each window is called.
Near as I can tell there are two windows for the Opera Mail feature.
There's the one that has several expandable/collapsible menus and such for the various aspects of your mail box(es) it sort of looks like a display when in Windows Explorer. With the initial problem I was having pressing the "Mail" key on the keyboard or opening Opera Mail through the menu brought this up but it was non-functional. You could expand/collapse the menu items and it seemed to make some changes on the second tab based on it's tab-listing.
The key also simultaneously opening the second windowThe second window is split down the middle, or whatever depending on the settings. One side being the list of mails the other side being the content of the viewed mail.
In essence, I guess, it's as if Microsoft Outlook's interface was split into two tabs. One tab being all of the functions for sorting the mail, viewing different mail boxes the other tab being the contents of the viewed mailbox and the contents of the viewed mail.
Disabling the checkmark in config disabled the the treed menu, leaving me only with the bisected mailbox.
So viewing the mail was now possible but not entirely ideal for getting the most out of this Opera Mail feature especially as I added a second eMail account I have and there's no way to sort between the two accounts in the bisected view, all the ways to do that is in the threaded window.
So to try and to outline this again, not to be repetitive as it you seem to understand what is going on but for the sake of others and perhaps better clarity for my sake that I'm communicating things properly.
I press the "Mail" key, or open Opera Mail through the menus.
Two Tabs open up.
Right now, for instance, one tab says "Unread (88)" and one says "Mail (88)"
I click to select "Unread (88)" and the tabs don't switch.
I click to select "Mail (88)" and I get the treed/threaded mail view. (The far frame in, say, Outlook.)
As I click on the various options in the tree the "Unread" tab changes to reflect the selection. (Rad, Unread, Pinned, Spam, etc.) But nothing changes inside this tab other than collapsing/expanding of menus, the highlighted selection, etc.
I press the close "X" on the "Unread" tab (or whatever portion of the mailbox was selected), both tabs close.
I press the close "X" on the "Mail (X)" tab and the treed/threaded tab closes ("Unread"/selected mail box) and I'm taken to the bisected view of whichever mailbox was selected from the tree and I can now read mails But there seems to be no way to change mailboxes. So, say, if I had selected the "Spam" mailbox I get taken to them currently empty, Spam mailbox but have no way to switch to the Read, Unread, Sent, Composing, etc. mailboxes. Nor is there anyway to say select to read only the mails from one account rather than a mixture of both.In essence, it's all really, really messed up and not working the way it should be at all. I would really, really love something similar to what Outlook has where there are three frames in the window, the various trees of all the types of mail, the list of the mail in that selected tree "branch", and then the window for the actual contents of the selected mail.
This is beginning to get frustrating, as while unchecking that option in Opera Config "worked" as far as me being able to hit the "mail" key on my keyboard and being able to read my mail, it's not entirely giving me the full use of the Opera Mail feature or access to all of the tools and options of it. It really seems like a great way to use eMail.... If I could get it to work properly.
trekker4747 last edited by
Okay.... Now, I've somehow gotten it to work the way it's supposed to. Working perfectly now, as a matter of fact.
But, right now I've got it set to use IMAP as that seemed to be the more recommended method. But, I'm wondering if POP isn't the better route. As it seems now the eMails are not being listed on my phone, though they're in the "read mail" section of my phone. Just not being shown as unread.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
But, right now I've got it set to use IMAP as that seemed to be the more recommended method. But, I'm wondering if POP isn't the better route. As it seems now the eMails are not being listed on my phone, though they're in the "read mail" section of my phone. Just not being shown as unread.
In Opera, make sure "mark as read" is set to manually as Opera has a 3-state read status.
Bold blue text = Unseen + Unread
Bold black text = Seen + Unread
Black text = Read (and obviously seen)
A message is seen when you view it. A messages is read when you mark it as read. You only mark messages as read when you've actually read the message.
If you use "list and message on right" or "list and message below" layout, when you select an item in the message list, the message for that item is loaded in the preview pane and therefore automatically becomes seen. Opera can't know if you've actually read the message or not.
If you have "mark as read" set to something else, you're defeating Opera's way of doing things.
So, make sure that's right. Also, make sure the settings for your account on the server (via webmail or whatever) aren't set to automatically mark messages as read when they're accessed (especially with IMAP since you're using IMAP).
For your phone, I'd set it up to connect to IMAP too. But, it's up to you.
(Still need to respond to your previous comment.)
trekker4747 last edited by
First of all, let me say I appreciate all of the help and patience you have offered.
As it stands now the Opera Mail function is working perfectly, now it's a matter of getting my mail system to jive with my phone.
My phone is a Blackberry Bold 9780, which I'm pretty sure at this point is considered to be "steampunk."
Before this whole Opera Mail deal it used to be when I got a mail in my GMail account I'd get a mail icon on my phone's wall, I could then select it in the messages menu and read the mail. Reading the mail on the phone would consider it read on GMail's end.
Now since this Opera Mail fiasco things are a lot grayer.
As of right now the Opera Mail is working perfectly (like Outlook does as I wanted it to as said above. Not sure what I changed but it's working so, whatever) it's set to the IMAP system.
Now, I compose a test email in Opera Mail and, sure enough, it shows up in the OM as well as in GMail as "unread." (The default setting which it is set to.)
But the unread-mail icon no longer shows up on my phone. However, in the folder for read messages/mail on the phone the mail is there. The phone just is thinking it's been read. So as far as my phone is concerned the mail is read even if GMail and Opera Mail both say it isn't.
Under POP everything works as it did before.
So, primarily, I either need to get the phone to work as it did before while remaining on IMAP or, I suppose, know what the advantages of IMAP is over POP to keep it that way. If they're small advantages I can just put it on POP and go along with it.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I'll try to reproduce later and see what's up.
O.K. I was able to reproduce.
With the mail panel open (in a default install for example), press shift + F12, switch to the "Panels" tab, set the panel placement to "floating". Then ok out and close all the tabs.
Uncheck "reuse current tab" in preferences. (Not sure if needed)
Goto "Menu -> Mail -> Read Mail", which will open up 2 tabs. The one tab will be the mail panel open and expanded as a tab, which will have "Mail" in the title of the tab. The other will be a tab title "Unread".
In this scenario, things will be messed up. The "Unread" tab will appear to have the same mail panel content as the "Mail" tab. Switching to the "Unread" tab will change nothing visually. However, if you have "click tab to minimize" set in tab options, you can click on the "Mail" tab to focus the previous tab, which will be unread and you'll then see that the "unread" tab has the message list.
So, that's just messed up. No way to fix that exactly.
And, when you close the "Unread" tab, it also closes the "Mail" tab. But, that's expected if you have "auto mail panel toggle" set in opera:config.
Now, if you don't have "Auto Mail panel toggle" set in opera:config, when you goto "Menu -> Mail -> Read Mail", you're only gonna get the "Unread" tab and the mail panel tab won't open automatically. You'll have to press F4 for example to open it. That's expected. Also, if you then close the "Unread" tab, the "mail" tab (that you opened via F4 for example) won't close. That's expected too.
The whole problem here is using a panel placement of "floating". It doesn't really work well with mail. You should have it set to "left" (when open) where the mail panel is only so wide and when you open a view, the message list and or preview panes load right next to it. This way, it looks just like traditional clients.
As for the "Auto Mail Panel Toggle", that's only kicks in if you use "Menu -> Mail -&g;t Read Mail". You should really goto "shift + F12 -> panels" and enable the panel toggle at the edge of the screen (you'll need to put your tab bar place back to top or on the right for best effect). Then, to get to mail, never use "Menu -> Mail -> Read Mail" and instead just fling your mouse to the very edge of Opera's maximized window and left-click, which will open the panel list strip and the last selected panel, which should be the mail panel (if you make sure it's always the last thing selected in the panel list. In other words, you just open/close the tree view (the mail panel) if you want. But, you can leave it open all the time if you want too. It's just nice to close it when you're browsing web pages.
For the message list + previous pane tab, just middle-click to close it. In other words, it's a left-click on the toggle strip and a left-click on the view in the mail panel you want to open mail and a middle-click on the message list + preview pane tab and left-click on the toggle strip to close mail.
As for the the mail button issue. It should execute "path to opera.exe" /Mail, which should open Opera and open the "Unread" tab. Whether the mail panel also shows depends on whether it was opened when Opera was closed.
If you press the mail button on the keyboard while Opera is open, the /Mail command-line switch won't do much for Opera except open a blank tab (speeddial tab).
In short, since making the panel "floating" doesn't work that well with mail, you shouldn't use it. Turning it off (it's not on by default) will still allow you to double-left-click on an item in the message list to open its message in a new tab instead of just selecting it and seeing it in the preview pane.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
My phone
Just wondering. At mail.google.com, in the settings, what's "When messages are accessed with POP" set to?
Now, I compose a test email in Opera Mail and, sure enough, it shows up in the OM as well as in GMail as "unread." (The default setting which it is set to.)
But the unread-mail icon no longer shows up on my phone. However, in the folder for read messages/mail on the phone the mail is there. The phone just is thinking it's been read. So as far as my phone is concerned the mail is read even if GMail and Opera Mail both say it isn't.Hmm. Not sure on that one. All I can think of it to go in the global or per-account settings for your mobile client and see what's up? There might be some option that's turned on.
Note though that Gmail (especially with IMAP) is a little different. They are multiple copies of a message and marking one of the copies as read in one IMAP label folder (the "Inbox" one that POP clients see) doesn't necessarily mark the other copies (like the ones in [Gmail]/All Mail that Opera shows in its views by default) as read too. In Opera at least, you should look at the IMAP "Inbox" folder under the you@example.com account access point and see if the message is unread there too. If it is, then it's probably something on your phone (don't know what). If it isn't, that might explain why. (Then again, you said things are fine with Outlook, so...)
trekker4747 last edited by
Well, I deleted the email account on my phone and re-established the connection, we'll see if that fixes anything.
Again, appreciate the help.
"Keep GMail's copy in Inbox" to answer your question on the POP setting.
trekker4747 last edited by
You know what.... I'm an idiot. Sigh.
Why wasn't I getting the icon on my phone?
Because my phone is apparently smart enough to say, "Er.... You sent this to yourself, dude." and list the EMail as a SENT email, rather than a received one.
Earlier when I was supposedly getting them that must've been when I was messing around with my other GMail account in Opera and sent it from the secondary to the primary (which my phone is tied to) so, naturally, I'd get THAT one since it was an outside eMail. I since removed that secondary eMail (as I was having trouble figuring out how to send messages from my primary rather than from my secondary), removed it, and had since been sending test mails to myself. Which, again, my phone realized.Anyway, with that figured out it seems everything is working as it should.
Again, thanks for the help.