Opera Mini 7.5.4 for Android
nowurtalkin last edited by
I had made 1 or 2 comments after the last one. I came back here to 1) see if) Kpbicmah checked w/Dennis Bournique re his om issues & 2) to see if there were any comments about what to expect from the new update to mini Android. So nothing on either one of those things and to top it off my comment(s) which were on pg 2, are now gone, vanished, nada. Really something, this browser & this forum......<sighs>
p.s. for the record, I pushed button to post this & it gave me a blank composition box & no post made. Lovely thing this opera meany... Lemme give it about 42 more tries.....
Fantastic! It stole my posts, and now it won't let me post any new ones & if I try it just erases it after I hit post. It doesn't get any better than this..........do it?
Cool! Not only all above but it also immediately erases the draft, as soon as I hit post comment. World class baby!
nowurtalkin last edited by
Amazing..... Completely ripped me off, right from under my nose...erased my comments (over & over...), any new comments, my copy to clipboard, anything & everything... AMAZING...!! no matter what I do, it just eats it & won't allow me to do anything else. This sucks CANAL WATER!
nowurtalkin last edited by
Ok, what has happened, what u see above is it refused to post anything new & ripped off one or two existing posts & then, since I could not find any feedback here re: today's update, I decided there wasn't much to lose cuz there isn't much left of om & forum, so I downloaded the update. I tried to open & got only a black screen & thought; "alright then...its finally put itself out of its (and my) misery & is no longer functional & lost all data & to heck w/it. But I also knew enough to go to settings & do a force stop & a restart of browser & not only is it working again but I see above all the attempts I made to post that wasn't working then, are now there (although I still think it robbed a couple earlier posts, I have to check closer on that...
So for all you people I see lined up at the store site w/comments b4 & now, about "won't open/black screen", etc, be sure to do a force close & reopen.
A Former User last edited by
First, let me ask, are you writing on big and bold fonts on purpose?
What's this topic revolving around now? Are you still discussing any issue? Forum issues belong to other sub-forum (yes I did experience once that when I pressed post comment the field blanked out and the comment didn't appear, but reloading the page showed it posted - the forum software has just been updated and they need time to check these new issues). For reporting Opera Mini bugs you can use the Opera Mini bug wizard, describing the steps in detail as advised...
nowurtalkin last edited by
First, let me ask, are you writing on big and bold fonts on purpose?"- huh??... no idea what you're talking about... I have never done anything to my fonts. The fonts on my screen here are quite small & thin, not big & bold. I cannot even read them w/o wearing readers. And even w/readers on its hard to make out the letter viewed in portrait mode. In landscape, their ok but still pretty small. It's set to large in settings. Anything less would be unusable. And I see no setting for bold & my fonts are certainly not showing in bold. If I knew how I would give you a screen shot.
"What's this topic revolving around now? Are you still discussing any issue?"
*Are you nuts? I describe in detail what issues this so called browser is present no to me (and their plenty of collaboration from other users as well). I spell it out point by point & step by step & you come on here asking what am I talking about? Get a grip.. And this crummy forum architecture is difficult enough to use, w/o so much as an edit function. It's hard enough as it is to report this stuff. All you have to do is look at one post after another after another & every single string & topic & all you see is one complaint & problem after another, for days & weeks & months & then an update comes out (which, by the way, I did the update & my settings still reports the same old version... nothing works right here.... nothing...) and all you here the users saying is "don't do it"..."stay away"..."now even worse" etc etc. For yrs I have done my best to help anyone I think I might be able to assist on om. But never rcv any myself from the om people. Many others say the same essentially. Just in my last post, before you posted this stuff about huge & bold fonts stuff, after my attempt to update resulted in more heartache & consternation & loss of stuff & then black screen, then I discovered a fix for that, so I came right back on here and reported that to any users it might help, esp since I saw many of the people commenting at the store (and here) that they were running into that, so I was quick to explain a possible fix. So what is your problem?
And right before that I recall offered some very good advise to the guy having problem w/om & when I couldn't give enuff help, I told him to look up Dennis Bournique for maybe how to fix or accomplish what he wanted to (about rss). And looking to the top I see this thread was about the dang update, which led to complaints which I spoke to, both with my own issues as well offering any help I could think of.. So what is your problem, regarding topics & such?
Oh hell, now I'm I'm trying to go back to the 1st page so I can further substantiate my reply, but now that function won't work either. It gives a pop up error saying I'm not connected, but am indeed connected, so it won't even allow me to go back & look at the previous page. It's become the most broken browser I have ever seen (not counting the versions that wouldn't even load or open).
"Are you still discussing any issue?"
- whaa??... That all I did did discuss.. the issues reported by an earlier poster & then the issues I had when I tried to do what this topic was initially about, which was the update, so I'm right on point & gave a detailed report of what occurred when I did said "update" (which again, is not even acknowledged as updated when I look in settings/about). What a joke..
"Forum issues belong to other sub-forum (yes I did experience once that when I pressed post comment the field blanked out and the comment didn't appear, but reloading the page showed it posted - the forum software has just been updated and they need time to check these new issues)."
- in my opinion, that's lame.. 1) who can discern the difference if these rampant running issues are om issue or forum issue? 2) it's not our job to figure that out, it's operas job to test things more completely b4 they dump such junk on ppl & brag about how great is at the top of the page.... after ppl waited like a freakin year for the darn update. Besides it's been fraught with many problems for the beginning & keeps getting worse over time, so making some silly excuse about new forum adjustments, is well, just that. This is the poorest working forum I have ever seen (the old one was good) & the browser has become the same & that's what all the comments reflect & what I personally posted about in this thread...SINCE YOU ASK!
A Former User last edited by admin
@nowurtalkin thanks for your reply.
I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum (markdown) your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used "*" which added topics to your post, for example.
All you have to do is look at one post after another after another & every single string & topic & all you see is one complaint & problem after another, for days & weeks & months & then an update comes out (which, by the way, I did the update & my settings still reports the same old version... nothing works right here.... nothing...) and all you here the users saying is "don't do it"..."stay away"..."now even worse" etc etc.
I know, it's human nature. You should know that humans rarely want to "waste" their time registering to a forum just to say "thanks", obviously people only come here when they have a problem which disrupts them so much that they have to dedicate a little of their precious time. We'll see even less praise since the location of this forum is under the Help section of the main site. It's MEANT for users to come here with issues to discuss, looking for help and to find a solution.The downsides of using a microbrowser (server-based) browser like Opera Mini are known. IMO the best solution for Opera if they don't want to maintain Presto anymore and fix Opera Mini issues present since ever which seem impossible to do due to its server-client nature is to discontinue it, changing the compression to Turbo in a full-featured browser.
Oh hell, now I'm I'm trying to go back to the 1st page so I can further substantiate my reply, but now that function won't work either.
You can't edit posts . It's an anti-spam and anti-confusion measure (anyone would be able to change it to add spam links or remove or add things said confusing other members).SINCE YOU ASK!
Since the new Opera Mini 7.5.5 version has been released I'd like to close this topic so everyone discuss on the newest topic for the newest version. I indicated you the way to report bugs so they're officially registered. Generally to demand results in all areas in the real world you must create a service order / issue / ticket, so I advise you to take this path.However, still, I'd like to point again to the nature of OM's engine, which works server-side. So, although Opera Mini for Android is a supported product as far as security, features and general bugs go, it'd be too much to expect they make changes to the core mechanic of the browser radically which is in question here. Also note that Opera is moving away from Presto to the new line of browsers using the Chromium framework (although it's said Opera Mini engine is due an upgrade, there's no publicly-announced timescale and I actually doubt it'll happen). That's of course my opinion. I've moved long ago from Opera Mini to its full-fledged counterpart and I suggest that if you want the best compatibility and functions when interacting with websites.
nowurtalkin last edited by
I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special
characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be
transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum ( markdown )
your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used ""
which added topics to your post, for example I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special
characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be
transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum ( markdown )
your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used ""
which added topics to your post, for example.I'll ans the above part 1st. I used those 2 particular special characters in order to help separate & differentiate your quote from my commentary on it. As far as I can see there's no longer a basic quote function. There used to be such a function. Most half decent forums have such a function I think. Now I have to worry about using those very common characters. And it's not as tho I used then in some unique way, like if I was using html. Whenever I have wanted to make separator between 1 part of text to another, in text or email or any forums, I've always found it easiest to use that double dash line & never knew it to be or was told by anyone that it caused any problem w/my text. I'm surprised to know it is causing such a problem as you just described. Thanx for letting me know it. Opera mini is for phones, no?.. and so I would expect that most ppl send & rcv text via portable device, usually phone. And I used the asterisk to further accent the separation between your quoted text & my comments. It's just a common asterisk & seems like I should be able to use it in its normally used way. Moreover, you say this issue is due to the use of markdown used in this forum. I don't know what markdown is, nor do I, as a casual user, think I should be expected to know anything about it, nor did I see anywhere, since having the old forum ripped out from under us & now this substitute, any warnings or instructions or heads up about using simple characters like the double dash, asterisk, quotation marks or any other such use. In many yrs of using forums never had any such problem. Seems crazy to me.
nowurtalkin last edited by
Oh boy... I tied in vain to post the above post, which is there now...but quite awhile ago when I tried to post it as a partial reply to your last comments, it, along w/all the other failures & limitations & malfunctions that number so many I've lost count, resisted a while bunch of tries to post. It just would not post & I finally concluded that must be in line w/your declaration that you were gonna close the discussion. That passed me off for numerous reasons, the biggest one being I don't know who the heck you are...??...what, an opera employee, a moderator, an administrator, a regular forum user....??... and if you are an employee or mod, etc, then I think it should damn well be made clear to whoever you comment to, esp when you talk in the terms you have been & announcing your gonna heavy handedly end a discussion, cutting me off from addressing the things you said, which I disagree w/almost every single point you've made. You seem to have no respect to anything Ive pointed out, regardless of the validity. And your tack comes off to me as way condescending. I could easily demonstrate how ea every point you made falls into the above categories I'm saying actually off the point that, even tho I'm sure you think you were ON the points. No, you weren't, you are all about your viewpoint & as you did so, you actually missed the crux of my points. Your reply sounds exactly like typical corporate, politically correct, indirect, off the mark, your way only type of answers. I can easily demonstrate that but now, on top of all the rest of the crap, I have to consider how you're gonna cut me off & cause me (ironically) to waste yet more time. Don't give that silly stuff about making bug reports. I used opera mini long b4 I ever even knew it had a forum, yrs ago & discovered it when things started to not work & did just that... I followed the protocol & filed a bug report. I rcvd no answer, no help & no change occurred. That totally turned me off to using that option. Ans I believe I made another report & someone replied, asking me a question and/or asking for some info, which I answered/provided & then again, just left hi & dry, with no further positive progress or idea of what to expect. Plus then I began to really notice the lack of support from employees, to all the complaints & questions, across all the various opera forums & topics & all the ppl who complained about that very crummy way of being treated...as opposed to: "we're sorry for that. Lemme try to help you with your issue. Anything even remotely close to that sort of attitude, is extremely rare from the Opera. That sentiment has been expressed many times by quite a few different users. I've read it am my own eyes. And so, when I saw I wasn't gonna normally get any help from the employees, I did my best to figure out the answers myself & from that point, I did my best to help others on the for the best I could.
You obviously didn't pay too good of attention to the specific things I delineated the best way I could. That is obvious from reading your response built if condescension. If you really followed my tack, you would, instead of directing me as you did, while (haha...hmmmff) at the same time telling me you don't even use opera mini & are seeing incorrectly rendered text due to you being on a desktop, while this is for mobile phone opera mini & making it sound almost as if it was my fault using text wrongly. And then stating stuff that assumes I know about how the engines work. Ppl don't want to hear that.... they want and expect it to just work right or at least reasonably right. I use many different forums over many yrs plus the other ways of communicating textual & they all just work!! I type my piece & I hit send & it works. And it's easy to make mistakes & have the legit need for edit. Especially nowadays, where all this stuff has been around long enuff to have had all the bugs worked out & just work. Here at opera mini, ever since about 6.1, it has been a definite, unmistakable, undeniable, downhill slide from the best the worst. The commentary, on all the threads, for a long time, bears that out.
Had you read me, you would know... I don't need this browser any more. I gave up depending on it as my main squeeze, for quite awhile now, it gave me no choice. It's the 1st time I ever saw where a native browser performs better & does way more, functionally, than opera mini. I've had mini across several phones & platforms for several yrs & it gets to a habit, go to, browser, but its been quite awhile now, since it became so very dysfunctional, that I'm very thankful for other browsers like UC, which is light yrs ahead now, in almost every way & very stable & dependable. And next browser pretty good too & even the native Android. OM is (was..) an old friend who really used to work great & deliver what it was advertized as, esp on the old phones. It became a habit. I haven't even removed it yet as the default browser & so it is still really annoying w/the constant errors & malfunctions & so I find myself truly developing the new habit of just quickly jumping over to a browser that works & doesn't have associates who tell the client they are the problem and/or don't often even jump in to offer solid help.
And the nerve to actually say your gonna close out the thread so to move on to the newest rendition of the browser, when everybody knows that update after update forcefully pushes on ppl, new versions that don't work right at all while at the same not accommodating those users w/the ability to go back to what had maybe been at least working better. How insulting & insensitive. What a joke. I'm done.
A Former User last edited by admin
Please chill out, read my replies without jumping to equivocated conclusions.
As far as I can see there's no longer a basic quote function.
There is a quote feature! See a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/9RWkMRV.png
You can also type/paste text after a ">" character and it'll apply the quote text styling to it.I'm surprised to know it is causing such a problem as you just described. Thanx for letting me know it. Opera mini is for phones, no?.. and so I would expect that most ppl send & rcv text via portable device, usually phone.
No, this forum can be visited using any device. For long texts like this one right now for example I prefer to use the computer calmly to read and type.
If I see your post in the Mini forums while using a computer it doesn't mean I must to ignore it.And I used the asterisk to further accent the separation between your quoted text & my comments. It's just a common asterisk & seems like I should be able to use it in its normally used way. Moreover, you say this issue is due to the use of markdown used in this forum. I don't know what markdown is, nor do I, as a casual user, think I should be expected to know anything about it, nor did I see anywhere
Markdown is like a substitute for BB Code where you use normal characters on it to apply formatting to text.
I posted the link to a page explaining how to use it. In the comment box it's informed also (see pic).
For using the characters reserved for applying formatting you have to use a escape character which is the "\". For example, to type and asterisk which is reserved for italics and bold you must type "\*".Oh boy... I tied in vain to post the above post, which is there now...but quite awhile ago when I tried to post it as a partial reply to your last comments, it, along w/all the other failures & limitations & malfunctions that number so many I've lost count, resisted a while bunch of tries to post. It just would not post & I finally concluded that must be in line w/your declaration that you were gonna close the discussion. That passed me off for numerous reasons, the biggest one being I don't know who the heck you are...??...what, an opera employee, a moderator, an administrator, a regular forum user....??... and if you are an employee or mod, etc, then I think it should damn well be made clear to whoever you comment to, esp when you talk in the terms you have been & announcing your gonna heavy handedly end a discussion, cutting me off from addressing the things you said
I'm a moderator, but I'm not an Opera employee I'm just a forum member who volunteered to do the task like many others.
I DID NOT close this topic at any point, the problems you had have nothing to do with me.I'm saying that I want to close this topic, not to censor you or end any discussion, just this topic so the feedback is concentrated in the topic of the latest available version (the preferably way to keep up with it). This one: https://forums.opera.com/topic/3619/opera-mini-7-5-5-for-android
PS. I'm not saying you should restart this discussion there, keep reading below.Don't give that silly stuff about making bug reports. I used opera mini long b4 I ever even knew it had a forum, yrs ago & discovered it when things started to not work & did just that... I followed the protocol & filed a bug report. I rcvd no answer, no help & no change occurred. That totally turned me off to using that option. Ans I believe I made another report & someone replied, asking me a question and/or asking for some info, which I answered/provided & then again, just left hi & dry, with no further positive progress or idea of what to expect.
This is how a bug tracking system works, either closed from public or open like Mozilla and Chromium's, the devs won't tell you on what they're working on or when you'll see the bug fixed.
If you know what to expect, don't pretend you don't know what to expect.
Plus then I began to really notice the lack of support from employees, to all the complaints & questions, across all the various opera forums & topics & all the ppl who complained about that very crummy way of being treated...as opposed to: "we're sorry for that. Lemme try to help you with your issue. Anything even remotely close to that sort of attitude, is extremely rare from the Opera. That sentiment has been expressed many times by quite a few different users. I've read it am my own eyes. And so, when I saw I wasn't gonna normally get any help from the employees, I did my best to figure out the answers myself & from that point, I did my best to help others on the for the best I could.
How is that different than other browsers' forums?
And bpydzinski even jumped here to reply to some users and talk about some issues a few times... Of course he is not a help consultant and he will not be able to magically recover lost data in your device. And then long texts bashing Opera and with scattered repro steps where you don't even know if the browser or the forum is faulty... I don't think it's his duty to reply to you.As I advised you, file a bug report with clear steps to make the bug be officially acknowledged and processed. Writing gigantic walls of text here is not better than filing a clear and concise bug report. And know what to expect! Opera Mini saves tons of data, but there's a cost in compatibility with web pages. And consider the context! Re-read my last paragraphs in my previous comment here.
You put too much expectation in Opera Mini when we all know it's a limited product. Your expectations are more in line with the full Opera mobile browser.You proceed to compare Opera Mini with UC (non-mini version), Next and stock Android browser which are browsers that run pages locally in a full-featured engine without any compression. Comparing apples to oranges.
This is the full-featured Opera version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.browser -
nowurtalkin last edited by
"Please chill out, read my replies without jumping to equivocated
conclusions."(As far as I can see there's no longer a basic quote function.)
Pardon me but I don't need to be told to "chill out" by you...as 1) I don't need to chill out, I'm just fine. 2) I am the one who decides which tack I feel is the most appropriate one to take in my communication, animated as it might be or you might find it, thus it's not you place to tell me how to think or feel (reminds me of some of the intrusive aspects incorporated & KEPT IN PLACE, by opera mini, in full spite of all the vast majority of complaints against, in their layout (such as what they thought & still think is such a "smart" page (which ALSO spent a lot of time broken). 3) it's arrogant & indicative of the way opera has for the most part, treated it's users who have had issues & complaints, for a long time & that is easily validated by simply reading the Opera mini forums on lg scale. (I know, I know... its all our fault...). 4) you are the one, not I, who makes quite a few assumptions & either doesn't carefully read or "reads into" what I've said consequently jumping to conclusions that are wrong. And I pointed that out 1st (and gave examples) but now YOU are saying that, essentially mimicking or mocking me. There's a lot of truth in what I've said & it seems to annoy you. 5) some of your answers answer what you wish to say, rather than directly address my points or what I meant to get across. 6) see #1, as I'm calm & making valid & reasonably well described points.... so, "chill out"?? hahaha, no, YOU maybe need to" chill out"....) and as far as I know, even tho I asked, you see haven't answered to me what is your forum and/or opera position? I have the right to ask you & I think it's incumbent on you to answer.
If I was angry or rude or unfair or unable to comprehend what ls being said, in my judgement, it would look far different here. And if you think I'm so far off base w/my opinions so far, and/or that I don't pay attention to what you've said (you've indicated that), then maybe you shouldn't waste your time on me, after all if I'm so unreasonable, incorrect & in need to chill...
"...jumping to equivocated conclusions.."
If you're going to use concepts like that, you should better learn what it means to say it. You are accusing me of using some king people from funky language to decieve you or the truth. Way off the mark that is. I made a simple, clear, concise statement: {"as far as I can see, there's no longer an edit function"}. It was also a very unassuming statement, being modified by: "as far as I can see". So there clearly is no equivocation used there. If I do so in some cases, you certainly picked a bad example... The fact of the matter, in contrast to your misconception, is that there used to always be an edit button, as there is in most forums & now, esp in light of how dysfunctional & shaky the forum now is, such a simple, straightforward & obvious edit function is needed now more than ever, however since I WAS paying attention to what you said, and took note of your mention of "markdown" (which I had previously never heard of nor knew what it was), hence I did NOT jump to any CONCLUSION & rightfully added that "as far as I could see"...there was no edit function. So it is telling...that you find this need to mischaracterize my language & points made. If I didn't know better....(which I dont), I might easily conclude that you don't want to hear many of these things, which I am only one of many, who says them. I don't complain, for the sake of itself, nor do I normally exaggerate or not be able to substantiate what I speak up about.
(the preceding commentary was brought to you by the: "Peace of my mind Foundation", a non-prophet organization"
(p.s., besides, ppl don't want to have to learn html, markdown, markup, or any coding or special syntax, for them to be able to simply edit a simple mistake made in their post. I have never before had to jump thru hoops in order to edit a mistake.
nowurtalkin last edited by
Damn...if it wasn't for this forum and/or the om browser (wasn't that you who somewhere stated that I was somehow in the wrong for failing to know how to differentiate between the 2..?), yet I am having all this trouble using the forum, on my phone, inside of the operamini browser, so how the heck would I or any other casual user now wherein the technical issues reside? Besides, as is now well established for enough time to be valid, they both are very very broken. It took me approx 12-15 attempts to make the last, above post. And that occurs on every single occasion I try to post. It's frustrating & exhaustive. After composing, hitting the "done" button causes the field to go blank & in many cases also causes the placeholder nor anchor to jump to the top of the page, in turn requiring a rolling all the way to the bottom again, just to confirm that the composition box is blank & the same basic thing happens when bypassing the done button & going directly to post, or save draft. And then, a determined effort to make the post, results in the same cycle over & over & over. Only the copy function, if one knows better enuff to use it, saves the poster from losing his work, only tho, to keep depositing the coin in the slot & having it fall down to the return tray, short of the pack of twinkies. That's pretty bad & I am certain I saw numerous other users report the same thing since the inception of this thread as well as elsewhere. Similar reports & complaints are ubiquitous on this forum. Thus, since I have a capable phone, that's unacceptable way for this to function, imho. Ok, now let's see how much it takes to post this one.
** I may as well add here, since I'm already on my 3dd or 4th try to post this one, unsuccessfully, that while I thought my report previously, that it was covering every apparent base, to thwart my posting attempts (clicking the "done" button, the save draft button, the post button, as well as jumping anchor to the top of the page, now I also saw it jump the entire page, several times, back to page 1, and give a total blank page (requiring refresh but doesn't always work), and there was 1 or 2 more malfunctions, but honestly, they are occurring at such a rate that I cannot even keep up w/remembering them all.. Suffice it to say that posting functionality has been as bad as it can be, short of a complete crash, which would prolly help alleviate the phone & my own suffering. I have 4.03 droid, with a dual core, approx 1.5 mhz snapdragon chip, so no excuse of too old & unsupported nor too new & not yet caught up to yet. I would like to finish & cover all the points I'm inclined to do, but it looks like this browser & forum build ain't gonna let it happen unless I have the patience to wait days or weeks at this rate. I think I should be thanked, instead of all this, for my efforts, in as much detail as I know how to describe, and in support of all the other peeps, who report the same basic issues. But what do I get?...a broken browser, having fallen waaay behind how good it used to be, a broken forum functionality, and mostly blame for it somehow is my bad. Lovely...
nowurtalkin last edited by
Wow got it posted in about 5 tries that time. I will come back later (after meds & therapy) to cover the rest. Kindly wait til I am able to cover what you said in your post. (cuz I've got plenty to say about it...) (and since I obviously choose to cover it part by part, don't worry about any comments I made so far which may not have reflected what you maybe said after what I referred to so far) (as I did skim over it & see you covered certain things. So hang loose, take a chill pill & don't worry about me and my rants.
nowurtalkin last edited by
That worked the 1st time, perfectly that time (for the 1st time ever) ...now I'm scared & sense impending doom. I better back away from the keyboard...
A Former User last edited by
you are the one, not I, who makes quite a few assumptions
You supposed I closed the topic, that's what I was replying to. I didn't.
since I have a capable phone, that's unacceptable way for this to function, imho
I know, the point is the model doesn't matter. For a start, you can't understand the intrinsic difference between a browser with an engine running on your phone and one like Opera Mini which has the engine running in a server and sending you pages modified and compressed in another format that doesn't retain much website compatibility... I can't keep this chat if you don't understand the things I said in earlier comments.
nowurtalkin last edited by
"You also used "*"
which added topics to your post, for example."I don't know what that means, nor why I should know...but I do know that it means it takes away from how an asterisk is normally & commonly used. My opinion is that whatever coding language is used, it should never by nature take away from or eliminate the normal usage of such special characters. I don't know much about it but I think that html manages to present it's functionality w/o taking away those normal uses of those characters. I have used those particular characters for the purposes I noted, for many yrs in texting via all sorts of ways & sites & never had such a problem, which by the way, you had to point out to me what strange effects it has upon my compositions, because I certainly cannot see any evidence of it on my screen, regardless of viewing my posted text, after posted, in several different browsers & even in desktop view. All I see is exactly what I have typed & everything is smaller than I could benefit from if it gave me the choice to be larger (w/the exception that in a few rare occasions I have seen some of my text rendered in bold, while still small).
Therefore, if this forums software indeed does render my normal use of text & characters, in other & apparently dramatic ways (such as you described), and since I have never before come across such a thing, then my feeling is that forum should make it obvious in some way, to casual users, that they need to either beware of it or learn the use of this coding that borrows from normal use of everyday "special characters" (I know - - I know - - he's likely already formulating a rebuttal to tell me how wrong & ignorant I am about these matters & that what I find to be basic sound logic, is me 'jumping to crazy conclusions' again.)
The takeaway is that if a coding language is employed & if it works by borrowing from normal use of commonly used special characters, such as quotation marks, equal signs, asterisks, etc (oh-oh, can I say "etc", or did that just change my fonts to purple?), in their normal usage then it's a bad design. It should only employ the use of those or any other characters, in such a way that they are not normally used, such as what I think html does (although I admit my knowledge about all that is next to zero).
nowurtalkin last edited by
Incidentally, you're passing acknowledgement of what seems to be the forum software problem, reported by many, that causes major whiteouts, as I have extensively reported the specific nature of how it has manifested itself to me....is light yrs apart, from what the other folks & myself have reported. Because YOU'RE characterization of the issue... was that ONCE, you saw it produce a blank field, then easily fixed via refresh, however, THAT is a far cry different, than what I (and apparently others) experience, which is why I have taken the time to delineate all (so far) the ways it manifests & how extremely stubborn it is. It certainly is not THAT SIMPLE for me to work around, so how lucky you are to have only once seen it go blank & just require a simple refresh. You know, if I had the capability to make a video that accurately depicted the quantity & quality of the issues, flaws, mistakes, malfunctions & dysfunctions thst actually occur, just trying to normally use the browser & the forum, it would be UNBELIEVABLE, but true, as in Ripley's.
nowurtalkin last edited by
... What's really strange & ironic...is that now that I have deeply detailed the ways this blanking out & erasing issue has been (at least for me..) that all of a sudden, beginning last nite when I first mentioned it in my last post or 2, that THAT particular issue, has now all but disappeared & I have been able to post several compositions in a row, w/o any problem. Very strange indeed. So, to all those other folks who reported one degree or another of the same issue, over the preceeding weeks & months, if you still are experiencing same, I advise to fight it, tooth & nail, painstakingly trying it over & over (while the suits sit around laughing) until it says "uncle"... and finally begins to function as it should. (sighs)
nowurtalkin last edited by
Nevermind... it just came back on the last post (I knew I shouldn't say it out loud). Oh but wait....now a new lovely & helpful manifest of this world class software has reared it's pretty (ugly) head... I hadn't noticed it before, but now, since the software is not allowing me to post a post, so when I try repeatedly to get it to post, which is the natural thing to do, it throws the "anti spam" error msg, to (hahahah) even further block me from communicating. It is unequivocally the worst software I have ever seen (well, at least ranks up there w/worst I've seen). So NOW... In addition to wasting so much of my time & effort, the software is pounding (as opposed to pouring) salt on the wound by banning me from even trying to post, after it fails to, for 10 ADDITIONAL MINUTES!! Boy, am I jealous of you, with your ability (and apparently good reasons..) to be able to so valiantly & loyally defend & define the goodness, nay greatness, of opera mini Android & forum software. (I know, I know... its likely that I create or bring these problems upon myself, right?)
A Former User last edited by
Boy, am I jealous of you, with your ability (and apparently good reasons..) to be able to so valiantly & loyally defend & define the goodness, nay greatness, of opera mini Android & forum software. (I know, I know... its likely that I create or bring these problems upon myself, right?)
I never said or implied that. It's amazing, sometimes you seem to ignore what I write completely and jump to conclusions. ^^