Migrated 12.11->12.17, now my js doesn't work
ozpa last edited by
Hi all!
I only have a single script that highlights words on the page for me that match the list in the script. He's my script:// ==UserScript==
// @name Highlight Words
// @author bpm
// @version 1.1
// @description Highlights works from an array
// @include https://www.examplesite.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
// 1.1 Updated by Frenzie, added easy to configure wordlist
(function () {
var wordlist=[
/@Wordlist (quote properly and use commas between values)@string@/"word 1",
"word 2",
"word 3",
"word 4",/@/
// other config
var highlightBgColor = /@Highlight background color@string@/'grey'/@/;
var highlightColor = /@Highlight font color@string@/'grey'/@/;function hilite(text){ var count=0,dv; dv=document.defaultView; function searchWithinNode(node,te,len){ var pos,skip,spannode,middlebit,endbit,middleclone; skip=0; if(node.nodeType==3){ pos=node.data.toUpperCase().indexOf(te); if(pos>=0){ spannode=document.createElement('SPAN'); spannode.style.backgroundColor=highlightBgColor; spannode.style.color=highlightColor; spannode.style.fontWeight='bold'; middlebit=node.splitText(pos); endbit=middlebit.splitText(len); middleclone=middlebit.cloneNode(true); spannode.appendChild(middleclone); middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild(spannode,middlebit); ++count; skip=1; } } else if(node.nodeType==1&& node.childNodes && node.tagName.toUpperCase()!='SCRIPT' && node.tagName.toUpperCase!='STYLE'){ for (var child=0;child<node.childNodes.length;++child){ child=child+searchWithinNode(node.childNodes[child],te,len); } } return skip; } searchWithinNode(document.body,text.toUpperCase(),text.length); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { for (i=0; i<wordlist.length; i++) { hilite(wordlist[i]); } }, false);
Deleted User last edited by
My Code on http://pastebin.com/UXHRg4yG works fine for me.
- check antivirus sioftware interfering with UserJS
- check other UserJS scripts interfering
- check Extensions blocking your UserJS
- check your userJS file name, name the file hilite.js, hilite.user.js does not load the file
- set path to all your UserJS files with
- activate
- activate
- activate UserJS on https sites with
ozpa last edited by
Found it! (thanks to your bullet point "set path to all your UserJS files with opera:config#UserPrefs|UserJavaScriptFile")
Noticed 1 small thing below the path to user scripts, remembered that my links were in HTTPS so I enabled a checbox below and wuala!
Much love angiesdom