I want to add my own default sarch engines
lem729 last edited by
My Disconnect search with the words, "test search" looks like your DDG native, not at all like your DDG Disconnect.
Now when I deactivated Disconnect Search, and did a search from the main address bar with Duck Duck Go (d test search) here's what I got.
Looks pretty similar to me. I believe that what they are doing is rerouting the search through Disconnect, and making it look as if the search inquiry actually came form Disconnect, so the search inquiry can't be traced to you. I have no idea why you got such a bizarre result. I don't see it at all.
If you're unsure about disconnect here's more about it. https://disconnect.me/search Check the website out. Watch the video. If you have questions about the search, they give a contact email address. support@disconnect.me
Go ahead and ask them.Now by the way, as long as your happy typing a d in from of your search inquiry in that Address bar, just add DDG as a search engine to Opera, and then you can do all of your searches from the main address bar. Typing a d in front of the search is no big deal. That's all you have to do, if you don't want to do Disconnect Search. I only raised the extension because there are those who do not want to type a "d."
lem729 last edited by
Or add a DDG Extension to Opera. https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/duckduckgo-for-opera-2/?display=en
Then you will get a DDG search bar. There are tons of choices in terms of searching with DDG.
Finally, on the privacy issue, I certainly don't know that Disconnect Search protects your privacy more than you would be getting from a normal search.. They definitely claim that they do. You have to read what's written about it, and make your own informed decision. Every user assumes the risk :)). I have myself been using the Disconnect Search extension.
joopnl last edited by
I agree we need an option to set the default search engine we want. Excluding such a feature in the name of a "security issue" is wrong. There are a lot of ways in which a user can choose to use Opera, or any browser, in an unsecure way if they really want to. Take for example accessing a SSL site with a certificate issue. Opera warns you that this is potentially dangerous, but if you choose to go ahead anyway, you can.
And that is how it should be. Inform the user, but ultimately let the user be in control. Also think about the fact that all other major browsers provide the option to customize the default search engine. Apparently they all agree that it's an acceptable risk.
And lem729, thanks for your suggestion about using an extension, but I think your point has been made. Yes, there are some alternatives, but those alternatives have drawbacks that not everyone is willing to accept.
Regardless of whether this feature is added or not, I think DuckDuckGo should be included in the out-of-the-box selectable default search engines.
A Former User last edited by admin
[Mod edit: comment already posted here and also offtpic as it's about Opera 12.17.]
Deleted User last edited by
We urgently need a way to delete all the "default search engines" and let us choose our own. This is stupid. Opera never forced us to use their own.
gero2000 last edited by
I am a Firefox user. My version of Firefox was infected with 'speedial.com' malware. I switched to Opera whilst cleaning my computer of speedial.com rubbish.
I am unimpressed by Opera. I would expect the option to choose default search engine to be provided in every professional-quality browser as it is in Firefox. I prefer to use StartPage and DuckDuckGo. After reading posts here, I installed the Disconnect extension. It first demanded money before allowing a free trial. On trial I find Disconnect only offers limited search engines itself, the same search engines as Opera but with the addition of DuckDuckGo. Disconnect does not allow users to add or remove search engines. I find that ridiculous since Disconnect is simply replicating the same limited functionality as Opera itself. I tried contacting Disconnect's developers to give feedback but the email option does not work.
I want to not just add my own search engines and set them as defaults but to remove all traces of software I consider to be forms of malware - that means removing all traces of Google, Yahoo, Bing and similar corporate spyware from my browser and online experience. I want to add StartPage AND delete Google. Why is that not possible with Opera?
Opera appears to be more or less a clone of Google's Chrome and as infected with Google as Chrome is. Opera is definitely not for me and never will be until they are more independent.
The lack of functions and the inability to personalise Opera means it might be suitable for technophobes who want simplicity and don't care if it means loss of choice or privacy. Opera reminds me of Apple's Safari - a dated search engine that simply does not cut it any more. And certainly no longer makes sense after the NSA revelations.
vyedmic last edited by
Please! Chromium and even Google Chrome let's us make ANY search engine default. What is the reason Opera has disabled this function? Is it due to some advertising deals? All we want is just the Make Default button that must have been removed by Opera developers.... Why?
Disconnect is not a replacement for default behaviour.
prometheus-za last edited by
It's no use, the 2 man Opera defense force here have decided that all functionality can and should be done through extensions.
lem729 last edited by
The reason Opera limited the default search engines to five was because malware and adware were hijacking people's searches to unsafe sites. Now you can add your engine, but just need to go to the website, right click on the search bar, add the engine to opera, pay attention to the letter(s) that will be associated with a search (change it/them if you're not satisfied) and before a search, use the [letter(s)][space][search query]. With DuckDuckGo, it might just be: "d[space][search query]." All you'd have to remember extra from a normal search DuckDuckGo search is "d [space]." That's not too hard. Now gero2000, you have told us that your version of Firefox was infected with 'speedial.com' malware.
That's awful. And it is exactly the kind of concern that drove Opera to limit the default search engines to 5.
If you want to avoid having to type the letter, (or the privacy danger that your search is traceable to you), the Disconnect Search extension is an option. Here's a 4 star review of it in PCMag. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2457644,00.asp
With Disconnect you can do a Search using any of their Search Engines, including DuckDuckGo without the letter(s) and [space]. Now gero2000, you're saying Disconnect largely duplicates the same functionality of searches as Google. The big difference (in addition to the use of two different search engines from what Opera uses as defaults) is that searches are not traceable to you, because they are generally routed through the Disconnect website.
Now Disconnect has responded to email every time I've written, so you might try again. Not sure why you didn't get a response. Disconnect doesn't demand money. If you want to contribute, you can. But no way do you have to, or are your pressured to.On the Disconnect Search itself (using the extension in Opera), the results should be very similar to what you get if you don't go through the extension at all. However, some results may be different, example, if you search for a local restaurant or store, the search engine won't know your location so it won't be able to geographically target the results. Sponsored links (otherwise known as advertisements) might also be different, since the search engine will not be able to target them based on your past browsing behavior or other information they know about you. At the moment, they're working on a problem with DuckDuckGo, because the image feature isn't working. They say they will have it fixed in a few days. So we'll see. (Disconnect's image search is working for Google and Bink)."
It depends on what functionality you want -- whether an extension is the appropriate vehicle. If it's a feature that benefits a tiny universe of people, it's not unreasonable to look for that feature via extension, and not to expect Opera to spend time and money developing it (and putting it on everyone's browser). Lol, doing that might drive them into bankruptcy. And I say, there's no point destroying the goose that lays the golden egg. I see that you're new to the Opera forum and have only been here a couple of days. Welcome!
I agree that it would be nice to change the Speed Dial search bar to something other than Google. Still, at least we have the ability to hide the Google search bar on the Speed Dial page if we choose. I would prefer if we could do it, in a more intuitive fashion -- maybe a menu setting that gave us the choice, instead of having to activate Power User Mode, which most people aren't familiar with, absent forum help or an internet search
stealth789 last edited by
Option to change default search engine is a must. There's no one relevant reason to force me to use specific search engine(s). Any browser can change this. Oh sorry, any except Opera.
Using keywords = custom search engines is great. But default is here to be used without keywords. And I want to use another search engine as default specified. Now I have to use keyword, and if I forget, I have to use some harsh words :X.
Search is essential for browsing. It should be basic setting. Using extension to change this is nonsense and rocket science. And sure even in Firefox if you want really custom search engines, you have to use extensions. Also crazy. But this setting is available in Chromium, Opera can simply inherit it. They removed it willingly and replaced. I understand it. Sometimes it's better to use some "fork" of development of feature. But please make it user friendly.
From good old times I still remember Opera as innovator. Bringing something new, and better. I could use any search engines in Presto Opera. So why new Opera is willingly removing good features, and forcing us to something? It should be better, not otherwise.
lem729 last edited by
You can change the default search engine, but you are limited to five alternatives (for a default engine) because searches in other engines have been hijacked tby adware and malware to unsafe sites. Enough said. Thank you Opera for protecting people. There are now many options for searching in other engines, outside of the five default engines. They are reasonable ways to go. If the adware-malware threat becomes resolved, then fine. Let's have more default search engines. But if the threat is still there, I hope Opera continues to act in a manner that keeps the user safe..
stealth789 last edited by
You can change the default search engine, but you are limited to five because searches in other engines have been hijacjed tby adware and malware to unsafe sites. Enough said. Thank you Opera for protectung people.
Sure but that's the problem, we're limited. And I didn't ever had problem with hijacking my search engines whatsoever in Presto Opera, or other browser(Chromium, Firefox, IE). There's also other way how to protect it, instead of forcing us to use something strictly specified. No problem in other browsers.
And really don't get how this can be hijacked if we're possible to change it? Basically it's not possible to change it even in file "C:\Users\WindowsLoginName\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Web Data", where are stored custom search engines. And I don't think that hijacking was about accessing this file. So it's decision not to enable it, not to protect us, I think. Because then why it's problem with default engines, but not with custom ones?
In some version it was even possible to change this using file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\22.0.1471.50\resources\default_partner_content.json" ". At least it's possible to remove default search engines there. All except Google. But I was not able to add there custom ones.
lem729 last edited by
On this issue of malware and adware hijacking users searches, I'd rather have Opera's protection. I'd prefer they not leave it to users to decide. They have a responsibility to offer a safe browser. There are many reasonable ways to search with your own favorite search engine, even if it's not one of the Opera 5. If Opera can insure the security of additional default search engines, then I'm fully in favor of adding more.
Otherwise, just use the search engine you want, even if it!s not a default. It's so simple, you'd have to be almost dumb not to be able to type a letter before your search query. Opera's decision here to limit the default search engines to 5 in the face of enormous security threats (and with reasonbale alternative ways for people to conduct searches with their own favorite search engines) is a no-brainer. Thank you Opera!!!!
stealth789 last edited by
On this issue of malware and adware hijacking users searches, I'd rather have Opera's protection. I'd prefer they not leave it to users to decide. They have a responsibility to offer a safe browser. There are many reasonable ways to search with your own favorite search engine, even if it's not one of the Opera 5. If Opera can insure the security of additional default search engines, then I'm fully in favor of adding more.
Otherwise, just use the search engine you want, even if it!s not a default. It's so simple, you'd have to be almost dumb not to be able to type a letter before your search query. Opera's decision here to limit the default search engines to 5 in the face of enormous security threats (and with reasonbale alternative ways for people to conduct searches with their own favorite search engines) is a no-brainer. Thank you Opera!!!!I'm not sure if I get it. So you mean, that there's problem with search results? Then you can disable also custom search engines. Or search at all. So I can use old way of opening site? I don't think this is security related argument. There are better and safer search engines.
I don't think this is safer. Also I don't think that Opera can guarantee security of other company. Let's quick see for this 5:
- Google Search - HTTPS - OK
- Yahoo! - no HTTPS (but supported by site)
- Bing - no HTTPS (but supported by site)
- Amazon - no HTTPS, but probably not supported by site
- Wikipedia - HTTPS - OK
Sorry, but I don't think this is safer, than one I can add.
And if it's so, add there StartPage or Ixquick, maybe DuckDuckGo(even if I don't use this one, as its under US laws). They're much safer. Even TorBrowser use StartPage as its default engine.
And when we use search hundreds time a day, we don't need to type keyword. Basically you are saying, it's better that thousands of people press keywords like monkeys. Better like to add simple option, to avoid all that? I don't think so.
prometheus-za last edited by
- Option to change default search engine is a must. There's no one relevant reason to force me to use specific search engine(s). Any browser can change this. Oh sorry, any except Opera.
- Using keywords = custom search engines is great. But default is here to be used without keywords. And I want to use another search engine as default specified. Now I have to use keyword, and if I forget, I have to use some harsh words :X.
- Search is essential for browsing. It should be basic setting. Using extension to change this is nonsense and rocket science. And sure even in Firefox if you want really custom search engines, you have to use extensions. Also crazy. But this setting is available in Chromium, Opera can simply inherit it. They removed it willingly and replaced. I understand it. Sometimes it's better to use some "fork" of development of feature. But please make it user friendly.
- From good old times I still remember Opera as innovator. Bringing something new, and better. I could use any search engines in Presto Opera. So why new Opera is willingly removing good features, and forcing us to something? It should be better, not otherwise.
Good post. Unfortunately some still won't get it. Extensions like the ones Opera has can't provide functionality that the browser did. If you want proper extensions you have to open up the browser API completely but Opera doesn't want that as it would introduce vulnerabilities so Opera has to provide the functionality. I have never had a problem with a site, even ones flagged as unsafe by Google, changing my browser settings. If security was the issue here there are other better ways to handle it like making it unchangeable by default except by the user. But that would mean adding some functionality instead of removing it. Surprise, surprise.
This agreement with everything Opera developers do is not good for the future of the browser. @lem729, your handwaving here simply doesn't cut it. You are happy with the state of things so you're saying to hell with everybody else that isn't. Problem is that your speeddial you love so must doesn't go with your vision of a bare bones browser. Question, what if Opera removed it and you had to use an extension? Before answering keep in mind that an extension would most probably not provide the functionality you're used to.
You and leocg can keep taking cheap shots at me, abusing the word troll and referring to my supposed forum age, then close topics highlighting real issues. I have been a long time Opera user commenting on the forums and blogs which for some reason Opera decided to delete my profile and created it again when I logged in. We are the ones addressing real issues here which you simply wave off.
lem729 last edited by
You and leocg can keep taking cheap shots at me, abusing the word troll and referring to my supposed forum age, then close topics highlighting real issues. I have been a long time Opera user commenting on the forums and blogs which for some reason Opera decided to delete my profile and created it again when I logged in. We are the ones addressing real issues here which you simply wave off.>
Why do you say it is a "good post" when someone has posted there must be an option to change the search engine to a new default engine other than the five provided in Opera, when other search engines were deemed by Opera unsafe because of adware and malware hijacking searches? Not everyone using Opera may be as sophisticated as you are and no how to solve that issue. I think the additional burden (to minimize the search risk) for the user to type maybe one code letter before putting their search query (when they want to use a search engine they added to Opera, which is not one of the five default engines) in the address bar is so small that Opera should not add more default engines until they are satisfied that the risk of hijacked searches has significantly diminished.
I am delighted with the current browser (though look forward to improvements too). I just want to appreciate what is here now -- to say thank you for that. If we can't enjoy the browser as it currently is, we just suffer waiting for for changes that may never come . . . When someone is so angry at Opera (and from the posts of yours I've seen, that's what I sense) one has to wonder why they don't just move to another browser, and leave it at that. I have no idea who your other avatar was. Your avatar now has only been here three days. I've never called you troll (at least not that I recall) (It's not something I would normally do). I'm not saying to hell with you. Constructive criticism of Opera is fine, but if the tone becames an angry rant, it's not. Hopefully, there's a middle ground for discussion in the forum.
prometheus-za last edited by
Why is someone saying there must be an option to change the search engine to a default other than the five provided in Opera a "good post," when other search engines were deemed unsafe because of adware and malware hijacking searches? Not everyone using Opera may be as sophisticated as you are and no how to solve that issue.
Most power users want that functionality. Opera is a browser traditionally aimed at power users. Again none of us being inconvenienced now have ever had the problem of malware. To combat the possibility is easy by providing the option by default to not allow sites changing it. You do not have to be a sophisticated user to then untick a box to allow it. This is not a decision based on security.I am delighted with the current browser (though look forward to improvements too). I just want to appreciate what is here now too. If we can't enjoy the browser as it currently is, we just suffer waiting for for changes that may never come . . . I have no idea who your other avatar was. Your avatar now has only been here three days. I've never called you troll. I'm not saying to hell with you. Constructive criticism of Opera is fine, but when the tone is that of an angry rant, it's not. Then it poisons the forum.
We are not delighted with it because it's mainly unusable for us. If changes won't come then we should be told so we can move on from the dream that once was reality. So far we have gotten an ambiguous response saying functionality will be added but all features may not be added back. That is neither here nor there.I'll state this again. I'm not a new user, I didn't create a new avatar (username). I simply asked for my existing username/password with my registered email but opera seems to have deleted my profile together with myopera/blogs. I'm not sure who called me troll, could have been leushino too. Point is our criticisms are meant as constructive. We wouldn't be making them if we didn't love Opera. It's your choice if you see them as such and come up with a solution to a real problem or just wave them off as ranting. Most of the angry rants have been directed towards the handwaving and uncivilised remarks that we shouldn't be criticising.
prometheus-za last edited by
Why do you say it is a "good post" when someone has posted there must be an option to change the search engine to a new default engine other than the five provided in Opera, when other search engines were deemed by Opera unsafe because of adware and malware hijacking searches? Not everyone using Opera may be as sophisticated as you are and no how to solve that issue. I think the additional burden (to minimize the search risk) for the user to type maybe one code letter before putting their search query (when they want to use a search engine they added to Opera, which is not one of the five default engines) in the address bar is so small that Opera should not add more default engines until they are satisfied that the risk of hijacked searches has significantly diminished.
It's not up to Opera to play nanny to users that don't know how to handle their browser. As we said there are better ways of dealing with it from a security pov like not allowing sites to change it without user permission. -
lem729 last edited by
I don't think the one letter before a search is a big deal. And you can add DuckDuckGo directly from the address bar without the one letter, by using Disconnect Search extension, but so . . . we have different views. If we all thought the same the world would be boring.
Now you did ask me, Prometheus-za: "Problem is that your speeddial you love so must doesn't go with your vision of a bare bones browser. Question, what if Opera removed it and you had to use an extension? Before answering keep in mind that an extension would most probably not provide the functionality you're used to."
Opera has always had a speed dial. They invented it. It is a feature that attracts me as a user. If they dropped it, and there wasn't an adequate extension (but I'm willing to use extensions), I might well go elsewhere for a browser. Internet Explorer doesn't have a speed dial. And that's a killer lack for me. Chrome has a nice extension Speed Dial, Foxtab Speed Dial, 9.2.1. I liked that one, though it doesn't have folders, so Opera's is better. Also, Chrome was very resource hungry on my computer, and was giving me crashes -- I believe. Firefox, has Super Start Speed Dial, and it's quite nice. I prefer Opera's. If Opera ditched the Speed Dial entirely, it would be a problem for me. Still, I wouldn't be posting angry posts all the time. I'd move on, perhaps to another browser (probably Firefox or Chrome), unless they had a Speed Dial extension in Opera that suited my needs.
I realized that features from Opera Presto are gone. And I still miss a few that I liked there. But it a different browser concept now. And recreating Presto would, I think, be inconsistent with the concept. I think something akin to a building is in construction. Imagine how workman on still on scaffolding all over the place. We'll end up with a better creation than we have now, maybe even a super one. It just won't be Presto. Everything Opera has done so far leads to that conclusion. So those who loved Presto have to adjust to that.
I look at Coast for Ipad. I believe they're using the same engine everyone else uses in an Ipad. They have to, or Apple wouldn't permit the browser app. AND YET, Ipad is totally different, kind of wonderful. It's not faster than other browsers on the Ipad. It doesn't have more features, but it has less. It even lacks features that I would prefer to have, and could have in other browsers. Notwithstanding that, it's just -- how can I say it -- a delight. It makes every link that you saved feel like an App. And the appearance is terrific. Why is the bottom line in a browser the number of hoops it can jump through, the end result of which is feature glut (some of which was happening with Presto, perhaps
There's an issue of art also, and how the browser is set up creates a pleasure in using it. And by the way, what Opera has done in Coast, just shows that even if you're using the same engine as someone else, you can end up totally unique and creative. Now I do enjoy the desktop Opera that is, but surely I hope for more. I've posted in the suggestions box quite a few suggestions. Still, I prefer what is, with Opera, right now, more than what is, with other browsers. And having been with the Opera browser for almost 10 years, I trust the company to build something very good.