statusbar like status-for-evar ???
alfass1 last edited by
How to add statusbar on Opera ?
so if i mouse over any link then it doesnt take 3 % of my wiev. jumping on my screen here and there.
statusbar / progressbar == its possible in firefox via status-for-evar
without it its very annoying .. it covers areas what supposed to be visible (at least for me)
like facebook chat ( it covers chat input!!!! )
(very annoying..!!)also its annoying anyway to see it takeing HUUUUGE area of pageview.
why should i see it ??? if am interested to see where some links takes me then i can right click and check that url if interested. nobody actually doesnt care .
i used firefox but it freezed on my laptop lately too much so i try opera .. i skip chrome.
without that annoying thing opera looks nice.. but if there is no possibility to remove it or replace it with old statusbar then its not for me. -
A Former User last edited by
Which version of Opera are you seeing this on?
Opera 12.17 produces pop-up information when you hover on a link, is that what you're talking about?
If so, just select Tools>Preference Settings>Advanced>Browsing and de-select "show tooltips".
If you want a status bar, select Tools>Appearance Settings>Toolbars, and check "status bar".
If you are on the later Opera, there is no status bar available, but pop-ups should only appear bottom left anyway, not next to the cursor.
alfass1 last edited by
Version: 23.0.1522.60 - An error occurred while checking for updates(network acces disabled by me)
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)thats the problem no statusbar
theres annoying popup ..
new firefox have no statusbar also .. it have same popup, but in firefox i can choose to put it back so it perfect by using plugin status-4-evar.
that popup isnt neccesary for me and its takeing space from pagewiev.
(example facebook chat message inputs are total hided if i accidently forgot to navigate mouse to safe area.)
(cant see what i input, sometimes its hard to find safe area on page so its always hideing important stuff)also information from bottom page are often not visible cuz i forgotted to navigate mouse cursor to safe area safe area==area without mines==links.
sorry about my english not my native language.