Alternative Search Engines
lem729 last edited by 6 May 2014, 17:55
The only choice for a search in Coast seems to be Google, unless I'm missing something. There need to be some good alternatives that people can choose -- maybe DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, in addition to Google. If Coast wants to compete in browser share with others, it needs to offer more in terms of search engine choices.
lem729 last edited by 6 May 2014, 21:54
I'm sorry but I can't follow the comment.
There's a search bar in Coast above the tabs. (It says "Search or Enter Address.") That search bar only operates with Google. I would like to have an option in settings for Coast, to select a different search engine to operate from that search bar. It's the most convenient place in Coast -- the easiest to access -- for a search to take place.
If you mean, set up a different search engine in one of the Coast tabs, of course, one can, but it's less convenient, particularly if you have a lot of tabs. You may be on a part of Coast, far away from the search engine you set up elsewhere in the tabs. The best place to do a search is in the search bar. It would definitely be, in my opinion, an enhancement of Coast (make the browser more attractive for a larger market of users) for Opera to provide search engine alternatives from that search bar.
A Former User last edited by 7 May 2014, 09:23
The only choice for a search in Coast seems to be Google, unless I'm missing something. There need to be some good alternatives that people can choose -- maybe DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, in addition to Google. If Coast wants to compete in browser share with others, it needs to offer more in terms of search engine choices.
logiebogie last edited by 8 May 2014, 11:10
yeah another +1 here.
i'd still like to use google but not .com so that i get the option to filter the results down to just pages from the uk. this is an option i use daily.
i've saved a tab which works provding i don't already have a window open. if i do have a window open, the tab just opens that window which doesn't have the option to filter the results.
Deleted User last edited by 8 Jul 2014, 12:53
The only choice for a search in Coast seems to be Google, unless I'm missing something. There need to be some good alternatives that people can choose -- maybe DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, in addition to Google. If Coast wants to compete in browser share with others, it needs to offer more in terms of search engine choices.
complayer last edited by 13 Sept 2014, 12:02
It can't access google in China, so the search bar is no use for me. If the search engine can change to bing, it's will be good for Chinese users in China main land.