Force Dark Mode setting is missing
AnkurVerma125 last edited by
I got a new computer and just setup Opera. I am unable to find the Force dark Mode setting, and as far as I can find on the internet, it's supposed to be under appearance. Is anyone else seeing this or know of a fix? I have enabled opera://flags/#enable-force-dark-from-settings but still not working
nkgrzegorzewicz Opera last edited by
@AnkurVerma125 this setting was moved to Themes section in settings, you can access it here: opera://settings/themes
Please remember that this setting will appear only if you have dark theme selected. -
khalidaisha736 last edited by
I had the same issue! The "Force Dark Mode" option used to be under Settings > Appearance, but it seems to have been removed in recent updates.
Since you've already enabled opera://flags/#enable-force-dark-from-settings, try this workaround:
Go to opera://flags and search for "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents".
Set it to "Enabled" instead of Default.
Restart Opera.
If that doesn’t work, you might need to use a dark mode extension from the Opera Add-ons store until they bring the feature back. Hope this helps!