M2 right click menu
stng last edited by
You need to add the new section [ReminderA_and_B]
Add "item=..." strings in this section.
In your [Mail Item Popup Menu] add:
Submenu, "ReminderA_and_B", ReminderA_and_B="Show popup menu,,,, "Mail Accounts""
where "ReminderA_and_B" is the name of section
where "Mail Accounts" - is icon's name (from Opera's skin).
emc last edited by
Hi stng,
Sorry as still unable to manage it.............
Can I ask in a simple way, if I am to make a submenu to:
a. Forward to my Boss David ( his email is david@david.com)
b. Forward to my Boss Peter ( his email is peter@peter.com)
How to make them onto a submenu ( in the mail item Popup menu ) ?
[Mail Item Popup Menu]
Item, DI_IDSTR_M2_MAILVIEWTOOLBAR_FORWARD=Forward mail & Insert,"xxx@xxx.com" & Send mail
Thank you
edmond. -
stng last edited by
Add(create) new ini's section with any name, for an example:
Add following lines in [My_Forward_submenu] section
Item, "Forward to my Boss David"=Forward mail & Insert,"david@david.com" & Send mail
Item, "Forward to my Boss Peter"=Forward mail & Insert,"peter@peter.com" & Send mail
Add new string in [Mail Item Popup Menu]
Submenu, "My_Forward_submenu", My_Forward_submenu="Show popup menu,,,, "Mail Accounts""
emc last edited by
Done it Stng ! Thanks & it works !
I noticed there's an icon at the left so that if I am able to use custom icon ?
As sgunhouse have said: The part after the equals sign is not required on a Submenu listing but can be used to associate an icon with the item.
Thank you
edmomd. -
stng last edited by
You can use any icon instead of ""Mail Accounts"
Here is a web page with list of standard Opera's icons: http://www.opera1.ovh.org/skinoskop.php
You can add your own icon in skin, but this is a different story.
emc last edited by
Hi all,
How to add a new line in the mail body ?
As now it could seems only can do: ( in one row only )
Hi David, this is the weekly report. Tks! Best regards edmond.
I would like to do:
Hi David, this is the weekly report. Tks !
Best regards
( you know......... in paragraph style instead of just 1 line in 1 row )
[Mail Body Popup menu]
Item, " To David " DI_IDSTR_M2_MAILVIEWTOOLBAR_FORWARD=Forward mail & Insert, "david@david.com" & Focus Next Widget & Focus blah...blah...blah...blah...widget & Delay, & Insert, " Hi David, this is the weekly report. Tks! Best regards edmond." & Delay, 500 & send mail
Thank you !
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
Unfortunately, you can't emulate pressing the "Enter" button or carrying down to new line with Opera's commands.
But you can use external utility NirCMD (freeware, doesn't occuppy system memory, Windows only).
Download NirCMD: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
Install NirCMD (use Administrator's rights)
Edit your "To David" item in your Opera's menu configuration:
[Mail Body Popup menu]
Item, "To David"=Forward mail & Insert, "david@david.com" & Focus Next Widget & Focus Next Widget & Focus Next Widget & Focus Next Widget & Delay, 100 & Insert, "Hi David, this is the weekly report. Tks!" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter" & Delay,200 & Insert "Best regards edmond." & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter" & Delay, 500 & Send mail
P.S.: "Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter" " - emulates ENTER button.
emc last edited by
Thanks again Stng !!!!
Old Opera is GOLD...............
Thank you
P.S. I will advise David he need to get use to read mail in one row in future............ -
emc last edited by
Hi Stng,
Thanks to the explanation & now I could be able to manage it everything you shown me.
New question, if I am to instruct M2 to:
Focus email body
High-light the 1st 3 rows. ( I may need to be specific to high-light 1st 4 rows or 5 rows )
What would be this command ?
I understand the Focus next widget... or Focus previous widget in order to make it Focus to mail body.
I just do not know that is the command on ' high-kighting '., the 1st few rows in the mail body.
and... what is the command on high-lighting a specific ' numbers ' of rows ?
I am trying to highlight the:
---- forward message -----
sender: xxxxx
To: xxxxx
From: xxxxx
date: xxxxxx
Subject: xxxxxxxxx
Thank you!
stng last edited by
You need to emulate hold down of SHIFT keyboard button. It's possible only with NirCMD external utility.
For compose window with enabled HTML-editing:
Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Go to start & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey shift down" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey end press" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press" & Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey shift up"
Yeah, it's pretty much complicated but it works.
What Nircmd does: pressing and holding shift, pressing end, pressing down, pressing down, releasing shift key.
emc last edited by
Thank you stng...............
It's really a bit frightening for me to do with nircmd ( as I have tried before without success.... )
Thanks anyway to your time......... !!!
Thank you!
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
You can use it because it's complete solution.
Here is instruction how to install NirCMD: http://www.blogtechnika.com/setup-use-nircmd-command-line-tool/ -
emc last edited by
Thanks stng !!!!
Done it !!!
Now it can............. highlight 4 lines ( and stop there )
Thanks much stng !
P.S. what other command in NirCMD useful in Opean M2 ? ( if you have a web page link about it.... ) -
emc last edited by
HI stng,
On my other copy of Opear, it does not hightlight the first few rolls in body of email. I saw the cursor jump a few line , it just does not hightlighting the rows in the mail body:
Blah blah blah... Focus Next Widget
& Execute program,
"c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey shift down"
& Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe", "sendkey end press"
& Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press"
& Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press"
& Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey down press"
& Delay,200 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey shift up"
Above does work in some of my other copy of Opera when some other copy not.
Highlighting action should be sendkey down press ? And what would be the cause when some Opera M2 doesn't listen to these command ?
Thank you
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
Highlighting action should be sendkey down press ?
"sendkey down press" simply emulates pressing of "down" key.
"sendkey shift down" allows to emulate holding down "Shift" button.
While Shift button in a pressed state(when the button Shift is holded by NirCMD), you can use "sendkey shift down" to highlight required amount of text lines.
And what would be the cause when some Opera M2 doesn't listen to these command ?
Keyboard cursor should be placed correctly (in correct field and in correct line) before NirCMD's macro(with "sendkey" arguments) execution.
Also, do not forget to use "& Go to start " command after the last "Focus next widget" command. "Go to start" moves keyboard cursor at the beginning of mail body.
emc last edited by
Hi Stng,
In the mail body , if I am to delete the first 1 or 2 empty lines ( before the )
------- forwarded mesage ---------
What is the command if using Nicmd ? ( say delete first 3 empty lines )
Thank you
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
What is the command if using Nicmd ? ( say delete first 3 empty lines )
Commands for deleting first three EMPTY lines(lines w/o any characters except next line carriage):
Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Focus next widget & Go to start & Delete & Delete & Delete
emc last edited by
Hi all,
I have done that all okay since above.
Just a small question to why:
Submenu, "Forward to my home"Show popup menu,,,, "Mail Accounts""
===> When right click , submenu item shows envelope icon.
Item, "Forward to my office"=Copy & Deselect all & Forward Mail & Insert, "my office@my office.com" & Delay, 5000 & send mail
===> When right click , normal forward item shows only arrow icon ?
How I can also make the 2nd one showing envelope icon as well ?
Thank you
edmond. -
stng last edited by
Use this
Item, "Forward to my office"=Copy,,,,"Mail Accounts" & Deselect all & Forward Mail & Insert, "my office@my office.com" & Delay, 5000 & send mail