GuiG last edited by
@independennis: @independennis: It's not a 100% rip off but I think it's close enough to be a copyright infringement
XxdogboyxX last edited by
@independennis: it is a direct rip off, just search up the vine logo.
And I searched up honey for opera and this came up.. smhhh -
IdiotBread last edited by
@pfnove: @dallydimensions: @benjamin-arthur-alfaro: @xxdogboyxx: @benjamin-arthur-alfaro: Bro, it's not even the same. this "V" has a looped that's connected and the V in Vine isn't. The "font" is similar because it's cursive. Also, if you look closely the V in Vine is a lot rounder than this one. This one is clearly more pointed. You triping over your own stupidity.