Nagging for payment with New Tab Start Page extension
mrtmidship last edited by
All of a sudden the creator of the New Tab Start Page extension has been nagging for a payment to use his work. I have been using this very useful addition to opera for quite a number of years for free and I am baffled why, after all these years, money has entered the equation.
It is now disabled and my workaround is to use the built in Opera new tab which reveals Speed Dial and then edit to my preferred search engine which is DuckDuckGo. Clicking on the plus sign now produces this scenario
and a quick click on The Duck gets me my homepage back.
I have tried probably all of the other 'new tab' extensions but none seem to function properly or at all and this compromise seems, to me to be the best solution unless anyone out there can assist.
My final point would be to request the boffins at Opera to bring back New Tab Page deployed in the Cent browser which I'm guessing is built on the same platform so should be easily incorporated within Opera.Fred