Mate Translate
CarlWantsACar last edited by
Could you please include a feature in the settings that allows me to view a list of websites that I have marked as 'never translate'?
imperfectN last edited by
I loved this add-on, but for a couple of weeks, the avast has been constantly indicating that it is infected.
3612084gmail last edited by
только установил, но пока все нравится. переводит, озвучивает оригинальное слово на английском, быстро появляется иконка для перевода, нет необходимости шарится по контекстному меню
Kuvi66 last edited by
Работает хорошо, но мне не нравиться когда навожусь на текст, сверху мне показывает оригинал. Это не удобно, мешает и отвлекает
blackc last edited by
Кривое приложение. Не всегда переводит целую страницу, частично. Бывает и вовсе кнопка перевода всей страницы не работает. Или нужно по 2 раза нажимать для перевода.
paullina26 last edited by
Overwrites the styles of many pages, making them unreadable.
It doesn't always work.
But due to page style overrides I am unable to use this tool. -
AmorphousKibo last edited by
@imperfectn: Well why are you using avast? That's not really a good antivirus software, other antiviruses are more trustworthy and have better functionality. If you haven't already, you should try it again with a different antivirus and observe what happens
mehrdadnezamdoost last edited by
Thank you very much to those who took the time for this program and it is very useful
AaronLibra last edited by
Not free...which, it is what it is, but also disappointing considering it's merely a translation extension and is something that can be done a million different ways. Works great otherwise, I'm just not willing or able to pay $42/year for something like this.