What happened to Tidy Bookmarks
colderwinters last edited by
What happened to Tidy Bookmarks, Why is it not available on the Opera Extensions webpage anymore, Can someone associated with Opera answer this ?, It was the only bookmark extension that actually rendered the bookmarks decently and now has been removed, was this because bookmarks the way they are supposed to be is frowned upon by Opera ? just wondering.
lem729 last edited by
The question is a good one. i can't answer it. I had Tiny Bookmarks (the Opera extension), but when they stopped carrying it, I deleted it, and downloaded "Tidy Bookmarks for Chrome." It seems exactly the same extension. And I think the extension is useful, so anyone from Opera can still ge it, by downloading this Chrome extension. First, to download from the Chrome store, you need the Opera extension, "Download Chrome Extension."
it would be good to know why Opera stopped carrying it. Was it because it is available in the Chrome store, so no longer necessary? Or for some other reason? It was the bookmarks extension in Opera that had the most downloads. If someone knows why, I second colderwinters, please post here and let us know.
nattrill last edited by
I was wondering the same thing... 'Simple bookmarks' has also gone, both by the same developer. Did the dev just rip them out of the chrome store and put them in opera's without permission? Can't contact the author because all info from the page has gone.
nattrill last edited by
No info on where tidy bookmarks got to, but just found a better (IMO) one on the chrome web store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/neater-bookmarks/ofgjggbjanlhbgaemjbkiegeebmccifi/related
You'll have to install the opera>chrome extension though: https://addons.opera.com/en-gb/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/
lem729 last edited by
Tidy Bookmarks is in the Chrome store.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/Tidy Bookmarks?hl=en-US
I have no problem with how it looks, and it does the job for me.
colderwinters last edited by
Ok I dont need Tidy Bookmarks anymore, I figured it out, but I do need the Bookmarks Manager extension and the Bookmarks toolbar which I use anyway, It looks just like the bookmarks in any other chrome derivitive that comes with bookmarks function. Screenshots ------>
lem729 last edited by
Deleted in the Opera store. Tidy Bookmarks for Chrome is still in the Chrome store, and works in Opera.