Stash customization
Deleted User last edited by 11 Apr 2014, 17:00
I think it would be nice if Stash had some customization like the order of the items: alphabetical, most used, add recently or personal order.
lem729 last edited by 13 Apr 2014, 13:58
And the ability to create folders of stash items. Then you could make greater use of Stash -- save more in it and organize it.
Deleted User last edited by 13 Apr 2014, 14:58
And the ability to create folders of stash items. Then you could make greater use of Stash -- save more in it and organize it.
Then Stash would become the new bookmarks!
lem729 last edited by 19 Apr 2014, 21:58
Not really. It would just organize your Stash a bit, so that you could hold more items. Scrolling down to find what you are looking for can be a nuisance if you put a lot in Stash. And you can't change the order. Let me put it in folders so I can organize a bit. Then I can more quickly access what I want. Remember the old Notes function that was in Opera. I saved links in Notes (that didn't rise to the level of a bookmark), but I could put the Notes in folders. Stash isn't notes, but it could fil some of the missing vacuum from the loss of the Notes function, if we could organzie Stash with folders. Anyway, it would help me make better use of Stash (make the feature more useful). As it is, I hesitate to use it a lot, because I've filled it up already.
Deleted User last edited by 21 Apr 2014, 16:23
I would like to choose the order of stash items, only that
ozgurg last edited by 4 May 2014, 15:14
+1 folders and order option i add so many things on both stash and bookmark i need folders and alphabetical or date orders
edit: to opera 20 for windows