Opera 105 never start big sized.
pp4mnkpuppy last edited by leocg
Hello everybody:
I can't start opera maximized. never ever can make it install this way although I have a launcher configured to start this way.
When I start opera, it always starts using half screen and I wanna start it using all the available space.
How can I do this ??
Here U Have Got the code of my portable launcher, where you can see it is configured to start maximiced,
#!/bin/sh # # Launcher for 'portable' Opera browser # export HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" # tee "$HERE"/opera/resources/ffmpeg_preload_config.json >/dev/null <<EOF [ "${HERE}/opera/lib_extra/libffmpeg.so" ] EOF # mkdir /opt/google mkdir /opt/google/chrome # ln -s $HERE/opera/WidevineCdm /opt/google/chrome/WidevineCdm # if grep -q 'Quirky April64' /etc/DISTRO_SPECS then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HERE/:$HERE/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$HERE/opera/opera" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --start-maximized --disable-infobars --no-sandbox "$@" elif grep -q 'puppy_tahr64' /etc/os-release then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HERE/:$HERE/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$HERE/opera/opera" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --start-maximized --disable-infobars --no-sandbox "$@" elif grep -q 'puppy_xenialpup64' /etc/os-release then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HERE/:$HERE/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$HERE/opera/opera" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --start-maximized --disable-infobars --no-sandbox "$@" else "$HERE/opera/opera" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --start-maximized --disable-infobars --no-sandbox "$@" fi # rm -rf /opt/google
It is correctly configured, because if I configure it using start-fullscreen, there is no problem.
Can you help me to do this, please ?
I have the home page configured to start with bookmards (like speed dial on firefox) I don't know if the problem is there.
thanks a lot