Aria should access the content in web pages!
NickSavage1981 last edited by
I loved it when I saw AI being added to Opera! But wouldn't it be great if it could access the actual content of web pages?
See Brave Browser implementation! -
kipperchau Banned last edited by
I know this feature is being developed by the Opera team, they accidentally pushed a button which allows Aria to access web contents to me for a short period of time (which obviously did not work at that time because they added that button by accident, but it's clear that it is coming soon)
kipperchau Banned last edited by kipperchau
This feature is now in the latest Opera Developer version! (110.0.5104.0)
The response doesn't seem to be saved though
kipperchau Banned last edited by kipperchau
I tested it and it's not as good as I thought
- The response cannot be saved
- It only works on publicly available pages.
- which means if you have an account-protected or cloudflare-challenged page, Aria cannot work with it
What it does is basically sends your current page URL to Opera's server to re-crawl it instead of using the content you have loaded on your page. Therefore password-protected pages will not work, because Opera doesn't have your cookies
In anyway, it still works flawlessly on public articles