Add Sorting-Order in Flow List (newest topmost!)
hced last edited by
The experience using Flow on Opera desktop gets worse, the more items you've added.
The primary usefulness of Flow is to quickly share sites between devices. It's not a bookmark keep.
I know it's probably advised to clear the Flow on regular basis, but you'll often reach a certain amount of sites (which you don't want to clear at that moment) when the issue arises:
You need to scroll all the way to the bottom, util you reach the latest added site in Flow!
My feature request is simple: Add Ascending/Descending chronological order to the Flow list. Or arguably, consider switching to Descending (newest topmost) because that's in my opinion the best UX for the purpose of Flow.
HanzoX7 last edited by
In addition to allowing sorting, if there could be a way to put items added to the Flow into folders / categories, that would be very nice. Thanks to Opera not having the start button until recently, I alternated between Edge and Firefox for a bit and found Edge's sort of equivalent "collections" feature, to be very useful.