Dragging Image to Another Opera One Window Causes Tab to Become Completely Unresponsive
thatoneunoriginal last edited by leocg
Basically, under certain conditions (cannot tell what those conditions are) If you drag an image from one Opera One window to another, it completely freezes the tab of where the image was dragged from. The contents of the page become completely inaccessible (clicking does nothing.) No other tabs are effected.
Refreshing the page doesn't work (not to mention Ctrl + R doesn't work either when the tab is in this state.) Only way fix the issue is to either open a new tab, and sometimes by searching something new with the search bar and returning back to the original page you were on (though I'm now experiencing that this "fix" doesn't always work.)
For example: On the right is google looking at the images for a random result. I dragged a random image from the left window and dragged it onto the right window. After that, I went to the page on the left window and everything became unresponsive (and exclusively only that tab.)