Opera does not play my videos
j7nj7n last edited by
The video plays fine in Opera 19 after I added the video decoder from Chrome. Chrome (Chromium) and Opera versions must match... Maybe "fine" isn't the right word, as the smoothness of playback is still lower compared to a dedicated media player.
karlmistelberger last edited by
I installed Chromium and got the file /usr/lib/chromium/libffmpegsumo.so How can I tell Opera to use this file?
j7nj7n last edited by
I don't know about Linux. Only tested this with Windows. Chrome is the only build of Chromium which can play MKV/H.264/AAC. The ffmpegsumo library is a little bigger than what comes with Opium. I had to overwrite this file with the bigger version. Then also modify Opera to accept video/mp4 and audio/mpeg MIME, by sacrificing the WAV file type, which does not occur on the web. If this is not done, Opium would only play videos renamed to a known extension, like *.ogg.
The same may or may not work on the Linux version.
You have to take Chrome (which is Chromium + codecs and plugins added by Google). I have added two versions of the DLL for Windows here. The 32-1700 one is good for Opium Developer 19.0.1326.0.
karlmistelberger last edited by
Many thanks for pointing to the chrome library! I got Opera to display the mp4-video for some users on the system, but for other users it does not work at all. Has anybody got an idea why this happens?
j7nj7n last edited by
Same computer system, but different users? No clue. Maybe it has a "task manager" which would reveal that a copy from a different location is being run.
If no videos play, not even VP8 or Theora, something went wrong in replacing the file or modifying Opera executable.
If Opera comes with an autoupdater, that should also be deleted or renamed, or the patch will be reverted when a new version is released.
karlmistelberger last edited by
Originally posted by j7nj7n:
If no videos play, not even VP8 or Theora, something went wrong in replacing the file or modifying Opera executable.
I tried this page and Opera plays even all three videos at the same time without any flaw.
After verifying that Opera works well with some users, I turned back to the users were it didn't. Removing the .opera directory before starting Opera did not work. No videos were displayed when using a pristine configuration. By accident I discovered that invoking Opera once as 'opera -debuglibraries' changed things. After doing this all videos are now displayed, even when a new invocation is simply 'opera'.
Then I reinstalled my original .opera from backup and tried the same trick. It didn't work. After some trial and error I deleted operaprefs.ini and started again. Now the trick worked and everything is fine.
Performance is good when displaying the video in the original size. But when using full screen mode (1920x1080) Firefox is much better.
Anyway many thanks for your valuable tips. I would not have succeeded without them.
j7nj7n last edited by
I am afraid I got things confused here. I was talking about Opera/Chromium (version 15-19) for Windows. It comes with a ffmpeg decoder, which can be upgraded. The same thing doesn't apply to old Opera/Presto on either Windows or Linux. On Windows the Gstreamer codecs have been customized by Opera, and can't be replaced. There may be a way to upgrade them on Linux but I don't know how.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by j7nj7n:
There may be a way to upgrade them on Linux but I don't know how.
GStreamer is part of the system on Linux, independent from Opera. However, Opera restricts it to VP8 only.
karlmistelberger last edited by
Now I have installed opera-12.16-2.4.1.i586 and chromium-ffmpeg-33.0.1750.117-609.1.i586 After copying /usr/lib/chromium/libffmpegsumo.so to folder /usr/lib/opera/gstreamer/plugins/ Opera plays mp4 videos without any problems.
biggerabalone last edited by
your problem is likely an extension. several will kill video. i've had it happen many times. for me, ghostery has done it, flash blockers, security extensions or privacy extensions, even adblockers. disable your extensions (1 by 1) to isolate the culprit. then go into its options and configure it so the videos will play.