Registration for old versions (WM 8.65)
ThenZero last edited by
As you may know, there has been quite a lot of activity in vintage computer forums lately, and that includes hobbyists who are now reviving devices from 15+ years ago and trying to use them in the modern world. That includes going online in one form or another, and Opera has always been a big part of that. And although these old versions (such as WM8.65, mentioned in the title of this post) are still available from the Opera archives (thank you!), many of them have a registration function and self-disable after 30 days or similar. The "feature request" I have is for Opera to consider either making registration codes publically available for these old versions or to begin accepting new registrations again. I know there are many, many people who would gladly pay a license fee to have Opera working again on these old platforms! Thank you for your consideration.
ezv last edited by ezv
@thenzero I'm also very interested! I recently got back into PPC/HPC devices, and during this week I've been trying some browsers. Out of all the browsers I tried, the one that work best on my device, in my opinion, is Opera 8.60. It's actually a very capable browser. Unfortunately the clock is ticking for me, and in less than 30 days the joy will end.
I would also love to obtain a license.
Open sourcing the browser is another option (as suggested by opt in this thread), which I would recommend you to consider as well. It could mean more improvements and support for newer standards. The HPC development community is not huge, but it's still very much alive (disclaimer: I am in fact part of it) -