Switching Tabs with Mouse
N1gh7-5had0w last edited by
There are very limited ways to cycle throught tabs, Ctrl/Ctrl+Shift Tab-ing being one of them. I feel a way to cycle quickly through tabs using mouse would greatly improve efficiency.One idea I have is using Mouse Gestures (Hold Right-Click + Sliding Left/Right) and based on how far you slide, the pointer (of which tab you'll switch to) moves along the tabs. An optional feature (that can be turned on and off) could be that upon reaching the end (extreme left/right) tab, sliding more in that same direction will loop it from the opposite side.
Example, there are 10 tabs and I am on the 2nd one. If I have to go to the 9th tab, I'd Hold Right-Click and slide my mouse a bit left so the pointer would go from 2nd tab -> 1st -> 10th -> 9th.If that would conflict with the already existing Mouse Gesture, Left/Right could be replaced with Up/Down (or Down/Up) where holding Right-Click and sliding the mouse either up or down cycles through the tabs.
Or even, holding Right-Click and using the Scroll WheelIt would be great if you guys added something to switch between tabs using mouse
Thank you,
Night -