Looking after old friends
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Because old favourites such as The Lounge and Debate & Discussions (D&D) have been axed, previous My Opera Folk have had to start their own forums to continue their association with others who have grown to be their friends over the years, or at least respected protagonists!
I respectfully request that Opera provide a highlighted link to The DnD Sanctuary ( http://thedndsanctuary.eu/ ) and Vivaldi ( https://vivaldi.net ), which have each their own attractions, so that old friends can be reunited and the Opera Folk Members are guided towards the same level of camaraderie as was previously achieved in My Opera. Such would be in all our interests.
Thank you
frenzie last edited by
I agree. At least for the immediate future, both sites have the goal of salvaging those parts of My Opera that were discarded.
jax last edited by
Hear, hear.
On a lighter not, since the new forums have no space for lighter notes, I invite all to a nachspiel-cum-wake (in Norwegian appropriately called grave beer), lasting as long as the old site does, which should be a few days more.
A Former User last edited by
I'm looking forward to it being nuked. Still showing 200 ok after 4 months since my account was deleted is poor webmastering. Google needs a 40* server code from Opera before it ranks all the new blogs and photos of previous members everywhere...
Fanbois... -
shandra last edited by
joshl: yep - and there are those who are not going to touch those "social networks" - sorry guy, I am to old and to grown up with dial-up BBS systems and later on newsgroups to let all the cyberpunk freedom we once enjoyed be flushed down to you know what installment...
P.S.: please don't take my reply as an offencive [*1] one - i am -still- just to shocked by the new forum (and the lack of any off-topic area therein) to consider "diplomacy" as a real option....
*1: as there are no [url=] tags or such at the moment: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/offencive; so please to anyone, spare me the "that's spelled wrong" talk...
frenzie last edited by
as there are no [url=] tags or such at the moment: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/offencive; so please to anyone, spare me the "that's spelled wrong" talk...
It uses Markdown. See here for a quick reference, although I don't know what does and does not work here. Specifically, to make links you use
[link text](http://whatever)
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Well Opera, what is your answer? My request was not SPAM, It was a genuine request for support.
You owe us.
A Former User last edited by
Well Opera, what is your answer? My request was not SPAM, It was a genuine request for support.
You owe us.WTH? They don't owe you an answer, they never did, principally when the request is to do free marketing for other sites.
sjdgls last edited by
I still have many unanswered questions about my.opera closing. Including how to contact previous contacts, people who I requested to be contacts on my.opera and people who requested me to be a contact on my.opera. I had made a few attempts using my.opera mail and also operamail.com to email these people to let them know I was on twitter and vivaldi with the same id as I'd used on my.opera. But all emails failed. Opera had previously deleted all my.opera email archives without notice and did not restore them despite stating archives would be maintained. So since my.opera email as well as operamail are not working to contact people how else can we contact people from my.opera? This question, and others, I have asked before both on the old my.opera forums and via email to Opera. All without replies. Thank-you.
Deleted User last edited by
Shandra, you are not misspelling the word, you're merely using an obsolete spelling. It's still wrong. So rong! :p
jax last edited by
They don't owe you an answer, they never did, principally when the request is to do free marketing for other sites.
That was a give and take, or a win-win if you prefer it put that way. The My Opera users created nearly all the content on the site and added value (spammers excluded) to Opera Software. Spammers included, the equation may have been different.
Though I obviously didn't agree with the decision to shut down My Opera (there would not be a choice in changing software), at least the transition has been handled well. What String proposes above is also a part of that transition, bloggers and posters that grew up with Opera, and either could join one of the hastily opened sites, or be scattered for good. These sites are in the Opera ecosystem so to speak.
fuddly last edited by
What a nice forum for a nice browser.
Thanks to those who made it & work on it and such.
Have a nice week.
A Former User last edited by admin
These sites are in the Opera ecosystem so to speak.
They're not. These are third-party forums/sites.
For Opera Software to promote them, sending all their users there, they'd have to trust them fully to accept the unpredictability of these services changing their activities in the future. their TOS or even possibility of abusing the user's data stored on their servers. On top of that there's a possibility one of them will become direct competition already. -
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I suspect you've not been around long, rafaelluik, or maybe not touched on the old Opera social scene.
Be cynical if you want to but don't assume others are.
My request in the OP was quite straight forward, and if Opera is treating the Suggestion Box as a Suggestion Box and not a Recycling Bin I still await an answer one way or the other.
frenzie last edited by
For Opera Software to promote them, sending all their users there, they'd have to trust them fully to accept the unpredictability of these services changing their activities in the future. their TOS or even possibility of abusing the user's data stored on their servers.
Clearly those were all very important considerations prior to "sending all their users" to Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. To Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo!, and Mail.com. (source)
A Former User last edited by
For Opera Software to promote them, sending all their users there, they'd have to trust them fully to accept the unpredictability of these services changing their activities in the future. their TOS or even possibility of abusing the user's data stored on their servers.
Clearly those were all very important considerations prior to "sending all their users" to Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. To Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo!, and Mail.com. (source)
Please pay attention to the difference between explaining why they don't want to focus in social networking / blog features anymore citing well-known sites that do it better and a free advertisement as a form of a "highlighted link to The DnD Sanctuary and Vivaldi".