Opera Not Showing Text In File Upload
nadavatar64 last edited by
I am a new Opera user, I use Manjaro Linux and downloaded the newest Opera Developer browser from the Snapcraft store.
The Browser works well except for when I try to upload files from my filesystem through the browser, Opera doesn't show me the folders name or even the files name. instead, it shows empty squares instead of actual English letters.
my browser's language is English.
I have searched a solution for it online and did not find any, I hope you can help me,
thanks in advance. -
sophon96 last edited by
I'm having the same problem. Here's a image of me trying to select a file to upload to this post.
You are also running the MATE desktop environment, right?
nadavatar64 last edited by
@sophon96 Well actually my desktop environment is Gnome, but maybe it's something specifically with the Manjaro distro...
sophon96 last edited by leocg
@nadavatar64 I'm a noob at Linux, but from some quick googling, it turns out that MATE is a continuation of Gnome 2, so maybe it's just Gnome. I'll try running a vm using a different de.
Edit : Actually, it seems to be a issue with snap. I installed Discord with snap and when uploading files, it also shows squares.
graphessional last edited by
I've seen this topic several times in this forum and it seems nobody is taking care of this bug.
Opera is just a web browser with too many better alternatives.
When a producer doesn't appreciate their users and takes no care of their problems the best option will be the solution that I found for this.
I found the solution!
Simply uninstall this buggy application and use a real browser like FireFox just like what I did.We use applications to bring ease to our work. Too many people don't have time to deal with funny bugs that somebody else is responsible for solving them.
I changed the fonts in browser settings and some more ideas on it. But, opera doesn't look seem a professional one.
I mean squares? Really? It's 2022! Is it that difficult to solve for a software developer? -