Location section missing in Opera 18 settings
mariuszpoz last edited by
I have an issue with a website which keeps asking me for allowing or not allowing the site to track my physical location. I found that the answer lies in the Location settings (Opera settings > Websites). The problem is that this Location section is missing. I'm using the latest version (Opera_18.0.1284.68) @ Windows 7. The problem remains whether I use Polish or English interface.This is what I have:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmlmicd9ps1rq8q/opera_locmissing.jpgThis is what I should have:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfjmp2tbqt4edic/opera_locmissingOK.jpgWhat should I do to have this "Location" section in my Opera?
A Former User last edited by
Type "opera:flags" in the URL field and search for "location"
Enable Geolocation — it is enabled by default, but you must have disabled it at some stage.
mariuszpoz last edited by
Woohoo! Both problems solved
I have the "Location" section now and disabling physical tracking solved my problem with the website I mentioned.
Thanks a lot.