Opera 18 for Android
tufan last edited by
Originally posted by bpydzinski:
Originally posted by tufan:
Chaged behaviour of action bar in tablet UI.
that must be optional....
Why would you say that... this is what we've changed:
- hiding action bar is now allowed in tablet UI, there is one known issue with it on some wikipedia pages
- when grabbing the page, scrolling and releasing the action bar will snap based on how much of it is visible. Currently this snap threshold is 50%, which works well for mobile since there the action bar is not very high. For tablet UI on the other hand there's also the tab bar, meaning that it's quite possible to scroll a small amount without the action bar being hidden. This is not possible anymore.well the thing is i do not like it to be hidden on tablet ui.
i always want my bar visible to quickly select the tab.
on firefox mobile its optional for example you can also set it as option. the space used by action bar is not a big thing for a tablet i meant and removing it annoys me cause i have to scroll up to see the bar. its useless .but on a mobile phone screen estate its meaningfull.
hope devels think about it in future.
i love the way opera scrolls smoothly ... lol
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by tufan:
...on firefox mobile its optional for example you can also set it as option. the space used by action bar is not a big thing for a tablet i meant and removing it annoys me cause i have to scroll up to see the bar. its useless .
but on a mobile phone screen estate its meaningfull.
hope devels think about it in future.
Ah, so I have misunderstood your comment
I was thinking that nothing have chaged for you and you just want that change to be optional.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by yoshia00:
Tried to install the latest update from Google Play.
Installation of the 5DEC2013 update fails.
"unknown error code during application install "919" "
Google Nexus S, running android JB 4.1.2 o/sThis is just a GP network issue, not related to Opera. Try to change your network environment or download newer GP version.
tufan last edited by
Originally posted by bpydzinski:
Originally posted by tufan:
...on firefox mobile its optional for example you can also set it as option. the space used by action bar is not a big thing for a tablet i meant and removing it annoys me cause i have to scroll up to see the bar. its useless .
but on a mobile phone screen estate its meaningfull.
hope devels think about it in future.
Ah, so I have misunderstood your comment
I was thinking that nothing have chaged for you and you just want that change to be optional.
another thing is about the unload tab issue
well for example i got 4 tabs open i open an another one while i got 200 mb ram available and then the other tabs begins to unload and reload when i select them .
a memory limit manager must be strictly applied i think cause i do not want tabs reload every time .
well i do consider that on a 10 tabs active session for example ; must be managed at least 5 lru active ...
that might be chromium issue or opera's it might be fixed and will be welcomed.
also opera:config for opera based settings ... ( future i think)
waiting for the opera addons which could be swiped fom an edge of screen also..
my thoughts are like this .
whatever ive been using opera since 2003 i always love it .
oniamigt last edited by
Currently using One Browser because of following reasons.
1. Opera M is bloated with features that cannot be optionally chosen :
a ) descovery. I hate it that the browser always loads stuff I dont care about. This is surely a way of spaming. But though there have been complains, Opera ignores this.
b) the browser reloads background tabs automatically every few seconds or minutes. Can someone tell me what good this is ? I only know that when I am on 9gag.com and I switch to another tab, I usually lose the position I was before and have to scroll afresh. When I am typing on a board, I end up losing my text on some sites.
And last but not least this creates unnecessary traffic. I don't care if I am on wifi or not ! At my university everyone has a limited amount of traffic allowed through wifi.
2. No flash support. On ICS and co Opera was the leading browser in this. Opera doesn't care.
3. Bookmarks. I cannot manage bookmarks like on Version 12. If I set a bookmark, I first have to set it as speed dial, then I have to go to speed dial before I can asign it to a folder ? ? ? ??Well most of what has gone wrong with Opera, is beieng worked on on One Browser. I even wrote this text with it. Very promising.
So guys, it is sad, but I think Opera is not a future browser on the mobile market because they are focusing too much on new stuff rather than catching up with what was awesome about them.
oniamigt last edited by
Originally posted by bpydzinski:
Dear All,
we have released a bug fixing update to Opera 18. Here is the changelog:
- Chaged behaviour of action bar in tablet UI
- Fixed crash when child browser processis not fully initialized
- Fixed crash when performing search on selected text
- Fixed crash on html5 storage quota permission dialog
- Fixed crash when scrolling while selecting text in Off-Road mode
- Fixed issues with translationsUpdate is now available on Google Play, all users are recommended to update.
How ignorant. Can't remember anyone complaining about all that. What about complains that are beieng discussed over and over again here ? Do you even read the comments ?
thedicemaster last edited by
flash support isn't coming back.
as of android 4.4 flash support is completely gone, even sideloading flash and using a browser that still tries to use flash won't work. -
fraussantin last edited by
I sink opera link with old versione.
But how add a new bookmark in new versione of opera ON ma in pace?
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by oniamigt:
How ignorant.
Fixing top crashes is ignorant? Couple hundred thousands had crashes mentioned in this changelog.
Originally posted by oniamigt:
Can't remember anyone complaining about all that.
To be honest... you did in your previous post, ... the thing with tabs reloading in the backround (or the sad cat)... those might be crashes of the process that was handling this tab and we want to gracefully give back you the content that you had without crashing everything.
Originally posted by oniamigt:
What about complains that are beieng discussed over and over again here ? Do you even read the comments ?
Well, yes. Comments from here, Google Play, bugs reported, comments under engadget or android police posts - those are my favourite places.
oniamigt last edited by
@ bpydzinski
Thx for your reply.
This means when my background tabs are reloading every 30-60 sec when I just move to another tab, these tabs crashed ? This is sad because for me that means the tabs always crash when I am not having them in the foreground..
I thought it was a new feature. I d be glad to have this fixed, because apart from the fact that I can't disable discovery, this browser has good potential.
By the way, I noticed that on the latest beta, if you zoom on a page and you are on the left corner, you cannot pan to the right -> some content is not accessable because it is past the screen. This works fine in the stable though.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by oniamigt:
...because apart from the fact that I can't disable discovery, this browser has good potential..
I've seen your comments about discovery, you know that if you don't swipe there (leave it alone) there won't be any traffic in the background?
We only fetch few article previews (really low ammount of data) at startup to fill the screen (avoiding white area visible for the user), and then we wait for user to go there and start swiping or pressing refresh button. So if you are worried by data usage - don't be... it's minimal if you'll leave it alone.
Originally posted by oniamigt:
By the way, I noticed that on the latest beta, if you zoom on a page and you are on the left corner, you cannot pan to the right -> some content is not accessable because it is past the screen. This works fine in the stable though.
Hmm... can't reproduce, on what site are you seeing this? Do you have text-wrap enabled?
oniamigt last edited by
The no pan bug has disappeared after me rebooting the browser. Ghis was on focus.de, ard.de and zeit.de and some blogspot anf thumblr sites. All the pages had in common that they had html5 video embedded.
Currently can't reproduce it too.
About discovery. This is good to know. I travel a lot and use roaming, each kb starts to count. All apps are usually behind droidwall apart from my browser.. But if the traffic is minimal that is fine. I d appreciate if there would be an option to deactivate though ;).
Currently downgraded my Opera Browser to version 15. The reloading tabs isn't present there on my device. Ghe current version is definetly faster, but the usability matters more.
I heard current Beta supports flash? Tried a site but only got the message plugin not active or so.
rodcorkin last edited by
Browser is virtually useless until you get the cache management fixed, pages should not have to be reloaded every time you switch tabs and go back. No other android browser I've tried suffers like this.
doministry last edited by
Originally posted by rodcorkin:
Browser is virtually useless until you get the cache management fixed, pages should not have to be reloaded every time you switch tabs and go back. No other android browser I've tried suffers like this.
And it takes them a year to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF Opera!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
operauser-1 last edited by
Opera 18 for Android:
is this a special feature: after >Enter< on a Webpage or Link, the screen is darkened for about 1 second?
oniamigt last edited by
Originally posted by doministry:
Originally posted by rodcorkin:
Browser is virtually useless until you get the cache management fixed, pages should not have to be reloaded every time you switch tabs and go back. No other android browser I've tried suffers like this.
And it takes them a year to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF Opera!!!!!!!!!!!!!I downgraded to version 15 due to this. No tabs crashing and reloading without my permission there.