Enhancer for YouTube
Tentgremlin last edited by
If you like YouTube this extension is a must,brilliant 5 stars from me and thankyou
SanAntonio last edited by
I downloaded this extension just so as not to manually change the video quality on YouTube. Before the update, it worked at 5/5, but after, it doesn't work in any way, whatever I did in the settings, now I have to change it manually
mateusjk15 last edited by
Incredible extension, but would be even better if you devs add a "audio only" feature, there are others extensions that does this, but they does not work with live streams and conflicts with this extension.
SylveonModz-Germany last edited by
I don't like the new Version of this addon because i can't tell if any function-buttons are enabled or disabled because all have always the same color...
in the older version i was able to change the button colors (in my case Lime for Enabled and Red for Disabled ) but now since all buttons are the same color in each state its just only "Try-and-Error" to figure out if for example "Repeat is enabled" or not...
That bothers and triggers me really much...Until we get Customizable Button-Colors back as a feature, my Rating for this AddOn will stay at 3 Stars, if its finally back you'll get 5 stars again...
A Former User last edited by
The new version broke the dark styles of youtube
I had to delete the extension ...
PSYKODELIK last edited by
I really like this Addon, as it helps me with many ways of using Youtube, like just as Background Music in a playlist or casual watching Videos. I also really like the Volume changing by scrolling Option. However, since the new Update, the normal Youtube Playlists can neither go Shuffled or Repeated, as these settings are constantly getting reset and denied. After Clicking the button, the Color of the button changes, but the effect does not work and when the next Video, which is the next one on the Playlist, or just the Playlist over screen, if it is the last one, these buttons then Reset without ever affecting your Playlist in any way.
poopicus-ballicus last edited by
works great; does everything i want and about a thousand things more. thanks for keeping this updated
harubiru last edited by
hope you can put auto hide sidebar..without click 3 line to hide...when open fresh youtube pages..so annoying....
Somebody3978 last edited by
The new version made notable and useful improvements.
- A bug: the option "loop" of the player ends the video a second before, it is annoying, that should be fixed.
- A suggestion: the filter option is missing one of "sharpen".
A Former User last edited by
Amazing piece of kit, works very well and and it's a power tool for the savvy YouTube follower.
skivbanderas 0 last edited by
после одного из последних обновлений, стала глючить регулировка громкости скроллом. Если открыть несколько вкладок с видео, то громкость на них не регулируется колесом. Начинает работать только после непосредственной перезагрузки каждой страницы.
BodziuM last edited by
Volume Scroll not working after last update, only when refresh sometimes working
vadjikk last edited by
@skivbanderas-0 said in Enhancer for YouTube:
после одного из последних обновлений, стала глючить регулировка громкости скроллом. Если открыть несколько вкладок с видео, то громкость на них не регулируется колесом. Начинает работать только после непосредственной перезагрузки каждой страницы.
godtitan2017 last edited by
@bodzium: if it's true, it happens to me a lot and it's really annoying, I hope they fix it soon as it was one of my favorite tools
vowkaa last edited by
The recent mouse control issues are caused by important changes on YouTube. I'm working hard to fix them, please be patient, thanks. The developer
vowkaa last edited by
Недавние проблемы с управлением мышью вызваны важными изменениями на YouTube. Я очень стараюсь их исправить, пожалуйста, проявите терпение, спасибо. Разработчик
bigbugger last edited by
cannot enjoy youtube without this amazing extension. thank you so much for doing opera version. opera GX is the best browser.